The Immortal 32: Lifschitz’s Beethoven Cycle

The Immortal 32: Lifschitz’s Beethoven Cycle
盡窺堂奧: 列夫席茲的貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲全集
Frequently referred to as the ‘New Testament’ of piano music, Beethoven’s set of 32 sonatas stands as a monument of artistic achievement.
After the acclaimed recital of ‘The Art of Fugue’ in 2015, pianist Konstantin Lifschitz is returning to HKU this fall with 8 concerts, offering his intelligent and distinctive approach to the complete cycle – a must-hear concert series in 2017/18!
8 concerts 3 talks in 2 weeks 兩星期共八場音樂會及三場講座
Programme I: Nos. 1-4
15 SEP | FRI | 8PM
Programme II: Nos. 5-8
16 SEP | SAT | 8PM
Programme III: Nos. 9-12
17 SEP | SUN | 3:30PM
Programme IV: Nos. 13-16
17 SEP | SUN | 8PM
Programme V: Nos. 17-21
22 SEP | FRI | 8PM
Programme VI: Nos. 22-26
23 SEP | SAT | 8PM
Programme VII: Nos. 27-29
24 SEP | SUN | 3:30PM
Programme VIII: Nos. 30-32
24 SEP | SUN | 8PM
'Music in Words' Talks
Talk I: Mr. Yang Zhao (楊照)
15 SEP | FRI | 6:30PM
Talk II: Ms. Nancy Loo (羅乃新)
16 SEP | SAT | 6:30PM
Talk III: Dr. Giorgio Biancorosso & Konstantin Lifschitz
21 SEP | THUR | 6:30PM