Playing with Authenticity: MUSE Artist-in-Residence

Playing with Authenticity
MUSE Artist-in-Residence: Jean Rondeau, harpsichord
MUSE 駐校藝術家:古鍵琴家尚隆多
Baroque Improvised: Jean Rondeau in Recital 即興巴洛克:尚隆多獨奏會
27 APR | SAT | 8PM
Of Grace and Elegance: Jean Rondeau, harpsichord & Chiu Tan Ching, zheng
雍容與優雅:尚隆多(古鍵琴) 與 邱丹青(箏)
30 APR | TUE | 7PM
Early Music Masterclass with Jean Rondeau 尚隆多古樂大師班
02 MAY | THU | 4PM
(In English)
Jean Rondeau’s Jazz Piano Trio Cabane! 尚隆多爵士鋼琴三重奏Cabane!
03 MAY | FRI | 8PM