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‘Ink Art & New Music’ Creative Exchange Project


‘Ink Art and New Music’ Creative Exchange Project
Composing for Mixed Ensemble of Chinese and Western Instruments

In collaboration with the Bard College Conservatory of Music, New York, and M+, Hong Kong, this creative exchange project aims to explore the aesthetic commonality and discover the innovative potential of Ink Art and New Music. Through lectures, mentorships, commissions, and performances, this multi-phase series hopes to connect creative, knowledgeable, and curious minds and encourage meaningful conversations and new compositions.

Phase one of the project was commenced in September 2021 with four virtual lectures, conducted in a masterclass style, on composing for mixed ensembles inspired by ink art. Dr. Lesley Ma (M+, Hong Kong), Dr. Yeung-ping Chen (South China Normal University), Prof. Chan Hing-yan (HKU), and Dr. Yiwen Shen (The Tianjin Juilliard School) each delivered a lecture to their mentees, the four outstanding composition students selected from Bard and HKU.

Phase two was a two-day conference titled Ink and Sound: a Conference on Chinese Music and Visual Arts, held at the Bard Conservatory in the U.S. in April 2022. Inspired by the Ink Art Collection of M+ Museum, the new compositions by the selected students and their mentors were premiered by musicians of the Bard Conservatory during the conference.

In Phase three, these seven new works for mixed Chinese and Western instruments will receive their Asian Premiere in Hong Kong by the aspiring young talents of Ensemble Traversée. Images of the select artworks will be digitally projected to enhance the audience’s experience with ink and sound. We welcome you to join us for this project finale and open your mind to a novel, cross-genre, cross-cultural perspective!




第三階段於九月舉行﹐多首新作品將登陸香港大學作亞洲首演。 七首為中西混合室內樂而作的樂曲皆取材自香港M+博物館的水墨館藏﹐並由Ensemble Traversée 的一眾年輕亞洲樂手現場演出。屆時﹐各幅賦予作曲家靈感的水墨畫亦會於音樂會現場投影﹐讓觀眾同時欣賞新音樂和當代水墨藝術﹐開拓視聽新維度。誠邀你出席這次亞洲首演音樂會﹐見證這跨地域、跨媒介藝術交流的完滿成果。

Phase I 第一階段

Virtual Lecture I: 13 SEP 2021 | MON | 8:30PM
Introduction to Ink Art through the Lens of M+, Hong Kong

Virtual Lecture II: 20 SEP 2021 | MON | 8:30PM
Development of Mixed Ensemble Music

Virtual Lecture III: 12 OCT 2021 | TUE | 8:30PM
Traditions as Constraints or Resources?

Virtual Lecture IV: 19 OCT 2021 | TUE | 8:30PM
Conversations Between the Western and Chinese Instruments in Selected Works

Phase II 第二階段

INK AND SOUND: a Conference on Chinese Music and Visual Arts
8 APR 2022 | FRI | 9AM – 9 APR 2022 | SAT | 10PM (EST)

Phase III 第三階段

Ink Art & New Music: New Works by Faculty and Student Composers
30 SEP 2022 | FRI | 8PM 

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