6 OCT 2021 | WED | 8PM
(8:00AM EST | 2:00PM CEST | 8:00PM HKT)

(In English 英語主講)
This event is part of For the End of Time: 80 Years of the Messiaen Quartet
This year’s Rayson Huang Lecture will focus on Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time. Composed and performed 80 years ago in one of Hitler’s prisoner-of-war camps, this work liberates music as a theological and creative act. Professor Rebecca Rischin (Ohio University) and Professor Jeremy Begbie (Duke University) know the Quartet intimately as both musicians and scholars in their respective disciplines of music and theology. They will share their perspectives on Messiaen’s Quartet in two 30-minute lectures, followed by a time of discussion and questions with Professor Daniel Chua, HKU’s Chair Professor of Music.
港大音樂系主任蔡寬量教授將主持2021/22學年黃麗松講座,以梅湘的《時間終結四重奏》為題,請來兩位講者——杜克大學神學院榮譽教授貝格比(Jeremy Begbie)以及《為時間終結而作:梅湘四重奏的故事》作者、俄亥俄大學音樂學院單簧管教授莉欽(Rebecca Rischin)——從神學角度及首演的傳奇歷史反思並分享他們的見解。兩位嘉賓將先各自演講30分鐘,然後由蔡教授帶領討論,並設有問答環節。
Prof. Jeremy Begbie
Duke Divinity School, Duke University
Prof. Rebecca Rischin
School of Music, Ohio University
Prof. Daniel Chua
Department of Music, The University of Hong Kong
Zoom Lecture
FREE via online registration
- There will be a Q&A session at the end of the talk.
- The programme is approximately 1.5 hours.
- The event link will be activated 3 days prior to the commencement of the event upon successful registration. Please click on “EVENT PORTAL” on your electronic ticket to watch the online lecture.
- Programmes and artists are subject to change.