Schubert’s 12 Piano Sonatas with Paul Lewis

Schubert’s 12 Piano Sonatas with Paul Lewis
“Schubert’s completed piano sonatas take us on a unique and heart-wrenching journey through the last 12 years of his life. From the charming lyricism of the early sonatas to the transcendent creativity of the late masterpieces, via harrowing moments of despair as his health started to decline. His sonatas express with directness and sincerity some of the most fundamental elements of human experience—longing, consolation, despair, joy, loss, nostalgia, and hope. In our time, his music is as essential and poignant as ever.” —Paul Lewis
British pianist Paul Lewis is “one of today’s finest exponents of Schubert, noted for his clarity of tone and simplicity of interpretation” (The New York Times). After the highly acclaimed recital in 2019, he returns to HKU MUSE with a set of 11 completed sonatas, along with the unfinished yet celebrated ‘Reliquie’ sonata (D. 840), in 4 concerts across 2 seasons. Join us and begin this incredible Schubertian journey!
英國鋼琴家李維斯獲《紐約時報》評為「當今有數詮釋舒伯特的權威,以澄澈的音色與樸實的詮釋聞名於世」。繼2019年備受讚譽的獨奏會後,李維斯將再訪港大,於兩個樂季、以四場音樂會為大家呈獻全套12首舒伯特鋼琴奏鳴曲(包括未完成的D. 840「遺物」)。誠邀您參與,共赴這趟非凡的舒伯特之旅!
Schubert’s 12 Piano Sonatas with Paul Lewis 李維斯的12首舒伯特鋼琴奏鳴曲 (Part 4 of 4 四之四)
28 JAN 2024 | SUN | 3PM
Schubert’s 12 Piano Sonatas with Paul Lewis 李維斯的12首舒伯特鋼琴奏鳴曲 (Part 3 of 4 四之三)
27 JAN 2024 | SAT | 8PM
Music in Words with Paul Lewis: Performing Schubert 樂語融融:與李維斯對話
25 JAN 2024 | THU | 7PM
Schubert’s 12 Piano Sonatas with Paul Lewis 李維斯的12首舒伯特鋼琴奏鳴曲 (Part 2 of 4 四之二)
25 FEB 2023 | SAT | 8PM
Schubert’s 12 Piano Sonatas with Paul Lewis 李維斯的12首舒伯特鋼琴奏鳴曲 (Part 1 of 4 四之一)
24 FEB 2023 | FRI | 8PM
Music in Words with Paul Lewis: Performing Schubert 樂語融融:與李維斯對話
23 FEB 2023 | THU | 6:30PM