9 APR 2022 | SAT | 7-8AM
(8 APR 7-8PM EST | 9 APR 7-8AM HKT)

This event is part of ‘Ink and Sound: a Conference on Chinese Music and Visual Arts’, Phase II of ‘Ink Art and New Music’ Creative Exchange Project
Join us virtually and witness the world premiere of 4 student works! As part of the ‘Ink Art x New Music’ Project, new compositions by Austin Leung (HKU), Samuel Mutter (Bard), OGA (Bard), and Jing Wang (HKU), will be premiered by Bard Conservatory students.
經項目導師悉心指導,港大音樂系作曲學生梁騫仁和王婧,以及巴德音樂學院學生Samuel Mutter和OGA的新作將由巴德中西室內樂團於美國進行世界首演。免費音樂會設網上同步直播,齊來見證四位年輕作曲家如何化墨成韻,為中西混合室內樂譜出耳目一新的作品!
Commissioned new compositions:
Austin LEUNG Beyond Form
Samuel MUTTER Nocturnal Scars
OGA Wurzel Aus
Jing WANG Trace
With additional solo performances
Musicians of the US-China Music Institute, Bard Conservatory
Student Composers:
Austin Leung, HKU
Samuel Mutter, Bard
OGA, Bard
Jing Wang, HKU
Full Concert
- The programme is approximately 1 hour.
- The concert will be held in László Z. Bitó ‘60 Conservatory Building, at the Bard College.
- Free and open to the public.