24 FEB 2024 | SAT | 7:30PM

We regretfully announce that ‘A Colourful Trialogue: Messiaen’s Vingt regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus’, originally scheduled to take place on 24 Feb 2024 (Sat) at HKU’s Grand Hall, will be cancelled due to health condition of pianist Shelley Ng.
A message from Shelley: “I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. I had been very much looking forward to sharing the stage with Ms. Nancy Loo and Dr. Mary Wu in performing this epic work by Messiaen, illuminated by Ms. Vvzela Kook. The rigours of the intellectual and technical challenges have really been a monumental journey. I am absolutely devastated at having to postpone our performance, but I have, after much careful deliberation and discussion with my colleagues and medical professionals, agreed to this course of action due to my unforeseen condition. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the unconditional support, love and understanding from the artists and HKU MUSE. This journey of recovery will certainly be an integral part of my music, and I cannot wait to share that with you when I return.”
We hope to find another date to present this unique Messiaen experience to the Hong Kong audience soon. Please accept our apologies for the disappointment and inconvenience caused. An automatic refund will be made within 6-8 weeks to the debit account used for your payment. For enquiries, please contact museinfo@hku.hk. Thank you for your understanding and we appreciate your continued support!
由於鋼琴家吳宇晴(Shelley Ng)身體抱恙,原訂於2月24日晚上7時30分於香港大學李兆基會議中心大會堂舉行的《梅湘的聖嬰二十默想》音樂會現告取消。
Shelley 給觀眾的話:「我非常期待與鋼琴家羅乃新、吳美樂以及媒體藝術家曲淵澈,為大家呈獻梅湘這部鉅著。準備過程雖然充滿挑戰卻非常可貴,無奈經仔細考量並與團隊討論後,我們決定延後這次演出。非常感激藝術家們和港大繆思樂季無條件的支持、愛護和理解。這段康復之旅必定會成為我音樂生涯中不可或缺的一部分,希望很快能與各位分享當中點滴。」
我們祝願 Shelley 早日康復,並期待擇日再將這獨一無二的梅湘體驗呈獻香港樂迷。對已購票的觀眾帶來不便,我們深感抱歉。觀眾毋須另作申請,art-mate 將於6-8星期內自動退款至閣下付款平台帳戶,如有查詢,請電郵至 museinfo@hku.hk。謝謝!
An epilogue of Messiaen’s Quartet For the End of Time, HKU MUSE explores another monumental work of the composer written after his captivity in the prisoner-of-war camp. Vingt regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus (Twenty Gazes upon the Infant Jesus), Messiaen’s only sacred solo piano work, showcases in 20 movements refined grandeur and artistic ambition interwoven with Eastern influences.
Hong Kong’s brilliant trio of pianists Nancy Loo, Mary Wu, and Shelley Ng join forces upon three alternating Steinways on stage in presenting this magnus opus of the contemporary piano œuvre. The music is illuminated by media artist Vvzela Kook with kaleidoscopic projections, portraying Messiaen’s contemplative manifesto of his unwavering Catholic faith.
MESSIAEN Vingt regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus (on three alternating pianos)
- Regard du Père (Gaze of the Father)
- Regard de l’étoile (Gaze of the Star)
- L’échange (The Exchange)
- Regard de la Vierge (Gaze of the Virgin)
- Regard du Fils sur le Fils (The Son’s Gaze of the Son)
- Par Lui tout a été fait (By Him All Hath Been Made)
- Regard de la Croix (Gaze of the Cross)
- Regard des hauteurs (Gaze of the Heights)
- Regard du temps (Gaze of Time)
- Regard de l’Esprit de joie (Gaze of the Spirit of Joy)
- Première communion de la Vierge (The First Communion of the Virgin)
- La parole toute-puissante (The All-Powerful Word)
- Noël (Christmas)
- Regard des Anges (Gaze of the Angels)
- Le baiser de l’Enfant-Jésus (The Kiss of the Infant Jesus)
- Regard des prophètes, des bergers et des Mages
(Gaze of the Prophets, the Shepherds and the Magi) - Regard du silence (Gaze of Silence)
- Regard de l’Onction terrible (Gaze of the Awesome Unction)
- Je dors, mais mon cœur veille (I Sleep, but My Heart Keeps Watch)
- Regard de l’Eglise d’amour (Gaze of the Church of Love)
Nancy Loo, piano
Mary Wu, piano
Shelley Ng, piano
Vvzela Kook, media artist
Grand Hall
Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre
Centennial Campus
The University of Hong Kong
- Patrons under the age of 10 will not be admitted.
- The programme is approximately 2 hours without intermission.
- Please do arrive punctually. Latecomers and guests who leave their seats during the performance might be requested to sit at the back of the hall to avoid disturbance.
- Programmes and artists are subject to change.
- The presenter reserves the right to make final decisions on seating arrangement, to deny entry, and reserve all rights of final arbitration in case of dispute.