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George Crumb’s Black Angels

George Crumb’s Black Angels

Black Angels

喬治.克倫姆(1929-2022)今年初辭世,留下一系列寫給不同組合極具開創性的作品。若要票選過去半世紀最具影響力、最備受景仰、作品最被廣泛演奏的古典作曲家,這位普立茲獎得主(1968)一定榜上有名。克倫姆的音樂以斑斕詩意的音色見稱,令人嘆為觀止的手寫樂譜一直為人津津樂道。為擴音弦樂四重奏而作的《黑天使》對演奏者極具挑戰性,創作於1970 年,受當時緊繃的越戰氛圍影響,死亡、宿命、靈性的叩問等議題貫穿全曲。 

Cong Quartet 常駐香港及荷蘭,是 2019 年東京薩爾斯堡莫扎特室樂國際比賽冠軍,2021 年比利時克羅采國際音樂比賽室樂組亞軍。這次「薄暮樂敘」示範講座邀得 Cong Quartet 成員戚耀庭、羅莎莉、鄭恩浩和客席中提琴手 Evan Robinson 詮釋《黑天使》的數個選段,並與陳慶恩教授暢談這部當代經典背後種種鬼斧神工的細節。 

When George Crumb (1929-2022) passed away earlier this year, he left the world with a rich mix of ground-breaking compositions. The Pulitzer Prize-winning composer (1968) was among the most influential, recognised, and most frequently performed classical composers over the last 50 years, renowned for his hauntingly poetic sound world and stunningly beautiful handwritten scores. Composed in 1970 for an amplified string quartet, Black Angels is a fiendishly challenging piece in which themes of death, destiny and obsessive spirituality prevail, picking up vibrations from the then tense backdrop of the Vietnam War. 
Based in Hong Kong and the Netherlands, Cong Quartet was the Winner of the 2019 Salzburg Mozart International Chamber Competition in Tokyo and won the Second Prize at the 2021 Kreutzer International Competition in Belgium. In the upcoming Around Twilight Lecture Demonstration, members Francis Chik, Sally Law, and Yan-ho Cheng will appear alongside guest violist Evan Robinson in conversation with Prof. Chan Hing-yan about Crumb’s artistry and creativity behind this contemporary masterpiece. 


CRUMB  Excerpts from Black Angels


Cong Quartet
Evan Robinson, guest violist
Prof. Chan Hing-yan, host

Cong Quartet will also appear in the film ‘Jockey Club InnoArts Series – Shuffle Dimensions‘. For more info, please visit

Shuffle Dimensions is solely sponsored by:


Hong Kong Jockey Club


Grand Hall
Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre
Centennial Campus
The University of Hong Kong


$20 (admin fee)

  • For ages 8+
  • Tickets at

Photo Gallery

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  • Patrons under the age of 8 will not be admitted.
  • The programme is approximately 1 hour without intermission.
  • Guests are advised to arrive punctually. No latecomers will be admitted until a suitable break in the programme.
  • Please show the QR code in your ticket confirmation email for admission.
  • The presenter reserves the right to make final decisions on seating arrangement.
  • Programmes and artists are subject to change.


  • Except for exempted persons*, all concert-goers are required to use the “LeaveHomeSafe” app to scan the venue QR code before entering the venue.
  • Please present an electronic version or a paper copy of your COVID-19 vaccination record for admission. For the latest vaccination requirements of the “Vaccine Pass”, please visit HKU’s COVID-19 Info Hub and the Government’s COVID-19 Thematic Website.
  • A temperature check will be conducted upon entry. Anyone with fever or respiratory symptoms should seek medical advice and will not be admitted.
  • Guests are required to wear masks throughout the event.
  • Please use the disinfectant dispensers and always maintain social distancing.
  • Due to social distancing requirements, some seats in the venue will be left empty. Please only take your assigned seat as stated on the ticket.
  • The presenters reserve the right to deny entry or to require anyone to leave if, in their opinion, the above-mentioned instructions have not been observed, and reserve all rights of final arbitration in case of dispute.

* Persons aged below 12 or aged 65 or above and those with disabilities that render use of the app difficult. All exempted persons are required to register their names, their contact numbers, and the date and time of their visits. They are also required to present relevant identification documents for verification at the request of the staff on-site during registration.

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