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Patrick Lui

Patrick Lui 雷柏熹

Patrick Lui is an award-winning pianist, composer, arranger, and producer. Since his graduation from Berklee College of Music (USA), he has won the Marvin Hamlisch International Music Award (Jazz Composition), the Taichung Jazz Festival Piano Competition, and was a semi-finalist at the Bucharest International Jazz Competition; his jazz orchestra piece Mirror Dance was the first jazz composition nominated for ‘Best Serious Composition’ at the CASH Golden Sail Music Awards. His work as a co-producer with pop group RubberBand over the years has garnered them the prestigious ‘Album of The Year’, ‘Song of The Year’ awards, by Commercial Radio Hong Kong, and the ‘Best Song’ award at the CASH Golden Sail Music Awards.

An internationally active jazz pianist, Patrick has appeared in festivals including JENerations Jazz Festival (USA), EUROPAfest, Takatsuki Jazz Street Jazz Festival, Kanazawa Street Jazz Festival, Taichung Jazz Festival, Clockenflap, Freespace Jazz Festival, and Hong Kong Jazz Marathon among others. He has performed his own jazz compositions alongside Alex Sipiagin, Will Vinson, Kyoto Composers Jazz Orchestra, and Taipei Jazz Orchestra. His own jazz orchestra was invited by the Jazz Education Network in the US to perform at their annual conference, and has been headlining the Freespace Jazz Festival for five consecutive years. The band was invited by Alliance Française to perform a concert ‘Jazz in French Films’ at the French May festival, playing rearrangements of jazz found in prominent French movies.

Besides jazz and pop, Patrick is also an accomplished classical pianist, and has appeared as a soloist with City Chamber Orchestra Hong Kong, performing jazz legend Michel Camilo’s ‘Suite for Piano, Strings and Harp’ and Claude Bolling’s ‘Suite for Chamber Orchestra and Jazz Piano Trio’. Patrick has also collaborated with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra as an arranger and pianist for a concert paying tribute to Ella Fitzgerald and Charlie Parker.

Patrick contributed to the score for three feature films (The Bounty, This Is Not What I Expected, and Chasing The Dragon), and has also composed music for television programmes and theatrical works for Radio & Television Hong Kong and Hong Kong Dance Company. To broaden his horizons in music across different genres, he received a full scholarship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund and completed his Master’s degree at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with distinction, furthering his studies in traditional music.

Patrick’s debut big band album Sonder was released in 2020. The album was recorded in New York City at the renowned Systems Two Recording Studio with all New York jazz musicians, featuring Alex Sipiagin. The album was recorded, mixed, and mastered by two-time Grammy award winner Mike Marciano, and distributed by Sony music.

雷柏熹身兼鋼琴手、作曲家、編曲家、監製,並屢獲殊榮。自 Berklee College of Music 畢業後,雷柏熹曾贏得馬文漢立許國際音樂大獎(爵士作曲)、台中爵士音樂節鋼琴比賽冠軍,並於布加勒斯特國際爵士樂比賽中進入準決賽;他的爵士大樂團作品《Mirror Dance》為首部獲提名香港作曲家及作詞家協會(CASH)金帆音樂獎最佳正統音樂獎的爵士樂曲。雷柏熹與本地樂隊RubberBand多年來共同監製的作品奪多個獎項,包括商業電台叱咤樂壇「至尊唱片」、「至尊歌曲」,以及金帆音樂獎「最佳歌曲」。

雷柏熹活躍於世界各地,曾出席EUROPAfest、美國 JENerations 爵士音樂節、台中爵士音樂節、日本的高槻爵士音樂節、金沢爵士音樂節、Clockenflap、自由爵士音樂節、及香港爵士馬拉松等。雷柏熹曾與Alex Sipiain、Will Vinson、京都作曲家爵士大樂團、台北爵士大樂團等合作,演出其原創作品;他的爵士大樂團曾獲美國爵士教育協會邀請於其年度會議上演出,並連續五年擔任自由爵士音樂節的主要演出團體之一;又曾獲法國文化協會邀請為法國五月《法影爵士樂》演出,改編經典法國電影的爵士配樂。

雷柏熹曾以獨奏身分與城巿室樂團合作,演出傳奇爵士鋼琴家米修.卡密洛的《鋼琴、弦樂及豎琴組曲》及克勞德.波林的《室樂及爵士鋼琴三重奏組曲》;又以編曲家及鋼琴家身分與香港管弦樂隊團合作,演出向艾拉 ・ 費茲捷羅及查理 ・ 帕克致敬的音樂會。


雷柏熹的爵士大樂團專輯《Sonder》於2020年發表。專輯於紐約著名錄音室 Systems Two Recording Studio 灌錄,團員全為紐約爵士樂手,更邀得小號大師 Alex Sipiagin 作客席演奏。專輯的錄音、混音及母帶後期製作由兩屆格林美獎得主 Mike Marciano 包辦,並由 Sony Music 發行。

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