Gavriel Lipkind: The Complete Bach Cello Suites

Gavriel Lipkind: The Complete Bach Cello Suites
“You’ll be amazed at his extraordinary expressive range, and share his delight in demonstrating such command over the instrument.” (Gramophone)
Who is your favourite interpreter of Bach’s magnificent Cello Suites? Come discover the complete set with Israeli cellist Gavriel Lipkind, winner of both the Rostropovich and the Leonard Rose International Cello Competitions. His interpretations of the suites were described as “a unique, creative, imaginative, rich personal artistic expression of the world of Bach and the Baroque” by his teacher, the noted cellist Uzi Wiesel, a former pupil of Pablo Casals. Possessing a thorough understanding and an exquisite taste to bring the music alive, Lipkind will present all six suites over two concerts, along with a ‘Music in Words’ talk hosted by Prof. Daniel Chua.
以色列大提琴家利普金即將到訪港大,帶來巴赫恢宏的《無伴奏大提琴組曲》全集。利普金獲獎無數,包括羅斯托波維奇及李納德羅斯國際大賽,師承著名大提琴家烏茲.維塞爾(Uzi Wiesel),即卡薩爾斯(Pablo Casals)的門生。維塞爾稱譽他「對巴赫和巴洛克音樂有獨特、富創造力和想像力的詮釋,充滿豐富的個人色彩」。一連兩場音樂會中,利普金將以對作品的透徹理解和高雅品味演奏全套六首組曲,更會於「樂語融融」講座與蔡寬量教授對談。
Music in Words with Gavriel Lipkind: Performing the Bach Suites 樂語融融:與利普金對話
17 FEB | FRI | 7PM
Gavriel Lipkind: The Complete Bach Cello Suites 當代以色列大提琴翹楚利普金:巴赫無伴奏組曲全集 I
18 FEB | SAT | 8PM
Gavriel Lipkind: The Complete Bach Cello Suites 當代以色列大提琴翹楚利普金:巴赫無伴奏組曲全集 II
19 FEB | SUN | 3PM
This series is supported by Consulate of Israel in Hong Kong & Macau.