Wong Tak Chung 黃德聰
Wong Tak Chung is one of the most sought-after jazz bassist in Hong Kong. He has collaborated with other celebrated musicians including Ted Lo, Eugene Pao, Chris Babida, Ng Cheuk Yin, pop music sensations such as Eason Chan, Ivana Wong, Serrini, Kay Tse, Joyce Cheng, Yoyo Sham, Jan Lam, among others.
Wong appeared in the Taiwan Jazz Festival 2009, Beishan World Music Festival 2011, and Beishan International Jazz Festival 2011. In 2014, Wong co-founded the jazz quartet ‘In One Stroke’ with three local jazz musicians Tsui Chin Hung, Patrick Lui Pak Hei, and Almond Yeung Kwun Man. They released their first album under the same name in 2016 and has performed 2 concerts at EUROPAfest, and completed their first Europe and Taiwan tour in 2017. The group also participated in the Hong Kong Jazz Marathon 2018, with jazz legend trumpet player Alex Sipiagin at Queen Elizabeth Stadium.
In 2019, Wong worked as a project director for jazz tour ‘I Ain’t Afraid of No Jazz’ under LCSD’s Cultural Ambassador programme.
黃德聰擁有豐富爵士樂演出經驗,並於近年在多個本地及海外的爵士音樂節中演出,包括北山國際爵士音樂節、臺灣爵士音樂節及卑利爵士音樂節等。2014 年他與本地三位爵士樂手崔展鴻、雷柏熹、楊冠文組成爵士樂組合一筆書In one Stroke,於2016年推出組合的首張同名大碟。並在2016、2017完成他們在歐洲、台北及台南的演出。他們亦參與了國際爵士馬拉松音樂節,與世界知名的爵士樂小號手 Alex Sipiagin 在伊利沙白體育館一同演出。
在 2019 年,他以項目總監的身份參與了康文署舉辦的文化大使計劃,於全港 18 區舉辦一連串的表演和工作坊。