16 MAY 2021 | SUN | 3PM

港樂 x 港大繆思樂季:「聚焦管弦」系列
HK PHIL x HKU MUSE: Orchestral Spotlights
The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra collaborates with HKU MUSE to present a chamber music series spotlighting different sections of the orchestra, beginning with the HK Phil’s Percussion section. Offering a theatrical experience beyond the audience’s imagination, this programme features an array of contemporary works from the 20th century onwards, including works by the renowned Japanese composer Tōru Takemitsu and by one of his muses, the avant-garde John Cage. Takemitsu’s Rain Tree is dreamy and poetic, while Cage’s Third Construction is a pivotal work in the percussion repertoire which uses a variety of “instruments”, both reconstructing sounds of nature. The concert begins with the world premiere of HKU composer Jing Wang’s Record of the Little Rock Pond, followed by HK Phil Principal Timpani OZNO’s Zoon, and two works by the American composers James Tenney and Thom Hasenpflug.
香港管弦樂團首次聯乘香港大學繆思樂季 (HKU MUSE),呈獻一系列現代室樂音樂會,聚焦樂團不同聲部,並以敲擊樂小組打響頭炮,刺激觀眾對聲音的思考與想像。是次音樂會精選20世紀至當代曲目,其中日本作曲家武滿徹就大受美國前衛作曲家兼思想家基治的影響。武滿徹的敲擊樂三重奏《雨の樹素描》如夢似幻,充滿詩意,基治的《構造三》選用了不同的非常「樂器」,乃當今最重要及常演的敲擊樂四重奏。節目以香港大學作曲家王婧的《小石潭記》的世界首演揭開序幕,還有港樂首席定音鼓龐樂思的《慫》,以及田尼和哈晨佛朗兩位美國作曲家的作品。
JING WANG Record of the Little Rock Pond (World Premiere)
JAMES TENNEY Having Never Written a Note for Percussion
OZNO Zoon (2020) op.11N for vibraphone and mp3
CAGE Third Construction
王婧 《小石潭記》(世界首演)
龐樂思 《慫》(2020),op. 11N,為電顫琴和MP3而作
武滿徹 《雨の樹素描》
哈晨佛朗 《刃》
James Boznos, timpani
Aziz D. Barnard Luce, percussion
Raymond Leung Wai-wa, percussion
Sophia Woo Shuk-fai, percussion
Jing Wang
- Patrons under the age of 8 will not be admitted.
- The programme is approximately 1 hour without intermission.
- Guests are advised to arrive punctually. No latecomers will be admitted until a suitable break in the programme.
- Please show the QR code in your confirmation email for admission.
- Due to social distancing requirements, some seats in the Grand Hall will be left empty. Please only take your assigned seat as stated on the ticket.
- A temperature check will be conducted upon entry. Anyone with fever or respiratory symptoms should seek medical advice and will not be admitted.
- Hand sanitising stations are available at the foyer.
- Guests are required to wear masks throughout the event.
- Programmes and artists are subject to change.