26 MAR 2021 | FRI | 6:30PM

被譽為「低音大提琴界的帕格尼尼」,哈巴特(1931-)在演奏和教學兩個領域均成就非凡。他不拘一格,在古典、爵士和世界音樂等界別都能如魚得水,堪稱一代傳奇。哈巴特寫成於 2017 年的 Trombes d’eau (水龍捲)是一首既優美又炫技的低音大提琴獨奏曲。樂曲以一形象化的動機貫串,並由五組主題與變奏組成,每一組均聚焦一種演奏技巧。新晉低音大提琴手吳展滔畢業於美國伊士曼音樂學院及耶魯大學,他會為大家演奏這首低音大提琴的「新經典」,並會與陳慶恩教授對話,解構作品中每一個令人目眩的超技段落。
The legendary double bassist François Rabbath (1931-) enjoys an intense career both as a performer and as a pedagogue. He accepts no limits or labels, effortlessly crossing classical, jazz, and global traditions. His importance to the development of double bass playing can be compared with that of Paganini to the violin. Rabbath’s 2017 Trombes d’eau (literally ‘waterspouts’) is a beautiful work that reveals the versatility of the instrument. Framed by an impassioned motive, which also serves as a refrain, the core of the composition comprises five pairs of theme-and-variation, with each showcasing a dazzling performance technique. A graduate of the Eastman School of Music and the Yale School of Music, Kelvin Ng will perform this 6-minute work, and will be in dialogue with Professor Chan Hing-yan to explicate the immense virtuosity that the composition demands.
吳展滔/低音大提琴 Kelvin Ng, double bass
陳慶恩教授/主持 Prof. Chan Hing-yan, host
- Patrons under the age of 8 will not be admitted.
- The programme is approximately 1 hour without intermission.
- Guests are advised to arrive punctually. No latecomers will be admitted until a suitable break in the programme.
- Please show the QR code in your confirmation email for admission.
- Due to social distancing requirements, some seats in the Grand Hall will be left empty. Please only take your assigned seat as stated on the ticket.
- A temperature check will be conducted upon entry. Anyone with fever or respiratory symptoms should seek medical advice and will not be admitted.
- Hand sanitising stations are available at the foyer.
- Guests are required to wear masks throughout the event.
- Programmes and artists are subject to change.