9 MAR 2024 | SAT | 8PM

HAYDN String Quartet in B minor, Op. 64, No. 2
CRUMB Black Angels
SCHUMANN Piano Quintet in E-flat major, Op. 44
Quatuor Hanson, prize winner of the Concours de Genève and the prestigious Diapason d’Or and Choc de Classica awards, is set to captivate audiences in their highly anticipated Hong Kong debut. Their programme will feature works by three visionary composers, each representing a significant milestone in the evolution of chamber music: Haydn’s unconventional B-minor String Quartet, Schumann’s ground-breaking Piano Quintet, and George Crumb’s thought-provoking Black Angels, a revolutionary composition that expanded the musical palette of contemporary string quartets.
Joined by Hong Kong’s own celebrated pianist Rachel Cheung, the Quartet will unveil the prophetic alchemy in these works with “a refreshing excitement and originality, packing a strong musical punch with the strength of their musical chemistry” (The Classic Review).
法國韓森四重奏近年嶄露頭角,奪得日內瓦國際音樂比賽、金叉獎和 Choc de Classica 等國際大獎。他們將於香港首演帶來三部前瞻性作品,分別代表著室內樂演進中的重要里程碑:海頓不拘常規的B小調弦樂四重奏,舒曼開創性的鋼琴五重奏,以及克倫姆深邃陰沈的《黑天使》,顛覆大眾對弦樂四重奏的固有認知。
韓森四重奏將聯同香港鋼琴家張緯晴,以「令人耳目一新的激情和獨創性,以音樂滲透人心」(The Classic Review),揭示三位作曲巨匠千錘百煉的煉音術。
House Programme
Grand Hall
Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre
Centennial Campus
The University of Hong Kong
$320, 220
- For ages 10+
- Tickets at art-mate.net starting 16 NOV noon
2023/24 Spring Season Package Discount
- Save 10% for booking of 2 concerts
- Save 15% for booking of 3 or more concerts
Other Discounts:
- Full-time students, citizens aged 60 or above & people with disabilities 50% off
- For purchase of each concessionary ticket for people with disabilities, the customer can purchase one ticket at the same concessionary rate for a minder
- HKU Student Discount: $50* (1 ticket per performance)
- With limited quota. Discounts cannot be combined
* Applicable to all categories.
Available to current HKU students only. HKU ID required upon purchase and must be presented for entry.
- Patrons under the age of 10 will not be admitted.
- The programme is approximately 90 minutes including an intermission.
- Guests are advised to arrive punctually.
- Latecomers and guests who leave their seats during the performance will be admitted after the Haydn string quartet or during intermission to avoid disturbance to the artists and other audience members.
- Programmes and artists are subject to change.
- The presenter reserves the right to make final decisions on seating arrangement, to deny entry, and reserve all rights of final arbitration in case of dispute.