4 JUN 2023 | SUN | 3PM

港樂 × 港大繆思樂季:「聚焦管弦」系列
HK Phil × HKU MUSE: Orchestral Spotlights
The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, in collaboration with HKU MUSE, is delighted to showcase the horn players of the HK Phil as part of this chamber music series spotlighting different sections of the orchestra. This varied programme gives the audience a chance to know the horn more closely. With the special appearance of the four brilliant players of The German Hornsound, an exuberant programme of enchanting music is presented together with the HKAPA Horn Ensemble. The concert will also feature the world premiere of Lovers and the Love of the Stars by HKU composer Anthony Au. Come and experience this unique instrument’s rich and expressive power.
BEETHOVEN (arr. A. CIVIL) Egmont Overture
MOZART (arr. R. LOCKWOOD) The Magic Flute Overture
BEETHOVEN (arr. C. ESS) Symphony No. 3, ‘Eroica’: III. Scherzo
Ho-hei Anthony AU Lovers and the Love of the Stars (World Premiere)
WEBER (arr. S. SCHOTTSTÄDT) Der Freischütz Overture
Ifor JAMES Merry-Go-Round
BEETHOVEN (arr. A. OLDBERG) Adagio, Op. 13, arr. for Six Horns
WAGNER (arr. K. STIEGLER) Lohengrin-Fantasie
MUSSORGSKY (arr. S. SCHOTTSTÄDT) Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate of Kyiv
貝多芬(思阜改編) 《艾格蒙》序曲
莫扎特(樂活改編) 《魔笛》序曲
貝多芬(埃斯改編) 第三交響曲,「英雄」:第三樂章(詼諧曲)
區顥曦 《戀人們與星辰的愛》(世界首演)
韋伯(蕭特施泰特改編) 《魔彈射手》序曲
占姆士 《旋轉木馬》
貝多芬(奧德寶改編) 慢板,Op. 13,為六支圓號改編
華格納(史特拉改編) 《羅恩格林幻想曲》
穆索斯基 (蕭特施泰特改編) 《圖畫展覽會》:基輔的大門
HK Phil Horn Section 港樂圓號小組
Chow Chi-chung 周智仲
Todor Popstoyanov 托多爾
Homer Lee 李少霖
Jorge Medina 麥迪拿
German Hornsound 德國圓號之聲
Christoph Ess
Andrés Aragón
Stephan Schottstädt
Timo Steininger
Ho-hei Anthony Au 區顥曦
HKAPA Horn Ensemble 香港演藝學院圓號小組
Adam Cevik 林德傑
Derreck Cheong 蔣文宇
Han Lin 林翰
Jerald Ng 伍潤禧
Sing Siu 邵晉星
Kelly Tsui 徐穎茵
Jason Yeung 楊?晉
- Patrons under the age of 8 will not be admitted.
- The programme is approximately 1 hour without intermission.
- Guests are advised to arrive punctually. No latecomers will be admitted until a suitable break in the programme.
- Programmes and artists are subject to change.
- The presenter reserves the right to make final decisions on seating arrangement, to deny entry, and reserve all rights of final arbitration in case of dispute.