04 NOV 2018 | SUN | 3PM

Listen Between the Lines Lecture-Recital II
「音樂與文學對話」 講座音樂會II
(In Putonghua 普通話主講)
布洛德 《拉梅墨的露琪亞》之瘋狂場景幻想曲
舒曼 〈在異鄉〉、〈林中對話〉,選自《聯篇歌曲》
法雅 〈受苦的愛情之歌〉、〈火祭之舞〉、〈鬼火之歌〉,選自《愛情魔法師》
威爾第 〈熊熊烈火在燃燒〉,選自歌劇《遊唱詩人》
穆索斯基 〈女巫瑪法的預言場景〉,選自歌劇《柯文斯基事件》
利蓋蒂 / 霍華斯 《滅絕大師之謎》(女高音及鋼琴版本)
BROD Fantasie on the Mad Scene from Lucia di Lammermoor, Op.57
SCHUMANN Liederkreis, Op. 39, No.1 ‘In der Fremde’; No.3 ‘Waldesgespräch’
FALLA ‘Canción del amor dolido’; ‘Danza ritual del fuego’; ‘Canción del fuego fátuo’ from El Amor Brujo
VERDI ‘Stride la vampa’ from Il Trovatore
MUSSORGSKY ‘Marfa’s divination’ from Khovanshchina
LIGETI / HOWARTH Mysteries of The Macabre (Version for soprano and piano)
Taken from Goethe’s drama Faust, “the Eternal Feminine draws us on high” is an essential verse that reflects fascination towards femininity. In this lecture-recital, we will explore the fantasy nature of femininity in the creation of music and literature. As we listen to how ‘mad scenes’ prevail in the operatic world, we will explore how composers express the power of magic through sound and tonality and how female figures are presented to seduce and charm. Let us hop on this unprecedented, magical ride, fuelled by some of the greatest musical scores and narrative creativity!
主講 Speaker: 焦元溥 Yuan-Pu Chiao
林孟君 / 女高音 Meng-Chun Lin, soprano
翁若珮 / 女中音 Jo-Pei Weng, mezzo-soprano
姚桑琳 / 雙簧管 Song-Lam Yiu, oboe
許惠品 / 鋼琴 Vera Hui-Pin Hsu, piano
- For ages 6+
- Approximately 2 hours without intermission
- Guests are advised to arrive punctually.
- No latecomers will be admitted until a suitable break in the programme.
- Programmes and artists are subject to change.