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The Picture Of Dorian Gray And The Phantom Of The Opera

The Picture of Dorian Gray and the Phantom of the Opera

Dorian Gray


Listen Between the Lines Lecture-Recital Series
「音樂與文學對話」 講座音樂會系列

(In Putonghua 普通話主講)


SCHUMANN ‘Eintritt’ and ‘Vogel als Prophet’ from Waldscenen
WAGNER  ‘Einsam in trüben Tagen’ from Lohengrin
WAGNER  ‘Allmächt’ge Jungfrau, hör mein Flehen!’ from Tannhäuser
CHOPIN Nocturne, Op. 37, No. 2
GOUNOD ‘Je voudrais bien savoir … Il était roi de Thulé…’ from Faust
GOUNOD ‘O Dieu! que de bijoux… Ah! je ris de me voir’ from Faust
SARASATE Nouvelle fantaisie sur Faust

愛爾蘭作家王爾德 (Oscar Wilde) 的長篇小說《格雷的畫像》情節懸疑,其優美文句與驚悚轉折令無數讀者著迷稱奇。法國作家勒胡 (Gaston Leroux) 則融合新聞紀實和偵探筆法,以巴黎歌劇院為背景寫出《歌劇魅影》,其同名音樂劇更成為暢銷經典。這兩部小說都引用了不少音樂作品,後者更和歌劇舞台密不可分,究竟作者用意為何,提到的樂曲能否對應情節?歡迎大家和我們一起猜謎解題,讀小說也聽音樂!

Irish playwright Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray and French author Gaston Leroux’s Le Fantôme de l’Opéra are set to a musical backbone, with extensive cues of Romantic repertoires in-between scenes and sequences. In this lecture-recital, we will reimagine the authors’ intentions and explore the aesthetic interactions between literature and music. As we revisit the literary classics, let us also hear the music between the lines!

House Programme

主講 Speaker: 焦元溥 Yuan-Pu Chiao

林慈音 / 女高音 Grace Lin, soprano
李宜錦 / 小提琴 I-Ching Li, violin
郭家豪 / 鋼琴 Timothy Kwok, piano


Grand Hall
Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre
Centennial Campus
The University of Hong Kong


FREE via online registration

Photo Gallery



  • For ages 6+
  • Approximately 2 hours without intermission
  • Guests are advised to arrive punctually.
  • No latecomers will be admitted until a suitable break in the programme.
  • Programmes and artists are subject to change.

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