© Kurt@Kurtachio
Shelley Ng 吳宇晴
Shelley Ng has performed extensively on three continents in renowned venues and festivals, including the Tanglewood Music Festival, Aspen Music Festival, Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival, and Taiwan International Festival of Arts. She toured Mediterranean Europe, USA, Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean in over 350 solo and chamber music concerts on Lincoln Center Stage. In addition to extensive concerts of piano literature, she continually explores off-the-beaten path pieces and has premiered numerous works. During the 2022/23 season, Shelley initiated, curated and performed in a Turkish fundraising concert presented by the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble (HKNME) and the Consulate General of Türkiye in Hong Kong in addition to being invited by the Consulate General of the Czechia to perform on the country’s National Day. Shelley is currently associate musician of the HKNME. Prior to her return, she was the piano faculty, chamber music coach at the Rice University Preparatory Program and staff pianist of studios of Midori Gotō, Pamela Frank, Bing Wang, and Margaret Batjer.
生於香港,吳宇晴持續於歐美亞各地作鋼琴獨奏及室樂演奏,足跡遍及著名音樂廳,包括紐約卡奈基音樂廳、小澤征爾音樂廳、倫敦Milton Court、以及國際知名的檀格塢音樂節、聖達菲音樂節、亞斯本音樂節、台灣國際藝術節和香港藝術節。吳宇晴現為香港創樂團聯席樂手,於2022/23年除了聯同土耳其總領事館策劃土耳其籌款音樂會,亦獲香港大學邀請表演20世紀鋼琴獨奏曲目中的經典——法國作曲家梅湘的《聖嬰二十默想》,隨後在美加兩地演出逾百場獨奏和室樂,回港即接獲捷克領事館邀請於捷克國慶演出。吳氏早年於香港中文大學修讀音樂,其後在倫敦吉爾德霍爾音樂及戲劇學院和侯斯頓的萊斯大學修畢獨奏和室內樂碩士,並曾在萊斯大學任教及擔任南加州大學教席鋼琴師。