李家澍 Justin Li
Justin began his vocal training in Hong Kong with tenor David Quah and continued later in London under the tutelage of mezzo-soprano Catrin Johnsson and David Harper. During his study in London, he appeared in concerts such as Mozart’s Mass in C minor and Bach’s Magnificat in D as the tenor soloist and was the winner of the UK Spring Grove Music Festival Young Voices Category in 2006.
Returning to Hong Kong in 2007, Justin has then won the Oratorio and Art Song competitions in the 61st Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and was awarded the Miss Barbara Fei Vocal Scholarship Open Class and the Harry Ore Memorial Prize. He was also the winner of the Art Song category of the 4th Hong Kong Youth Singing Festival. In 2008 he obtained his Licentiate Diploma in Recital in Voice with distinction from the Trinity College, London.
Since then, Justin has been frequently invited as tenor soloist in performances held by the Hong Kong Young People’s Chorus and the Hong Kong Voices, including works such as Saint-Saëns’ Oratorio de Noël, Hadyn’s Thereisenmesse, Lotti’s Missa Sapientiae, J.S. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and St. John Passion, where he made his debut as the role of the evangelist in 2014. He has also worked with Die Konzertisten and SingFest Choral Academy, appearing as the guest soloist in their various early music projects including J.S. Bach’s Cantata BWV 21 conducted by Dr. William Weinert, J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion conducted by Prof. John Butt, and Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine conducted by Wolfgang Katschner in 2017.
李家澍於香港跟隨男高音柯大衛學習聲樂,隨後在英國留學時師隨女中音卡特琳.約翰松。2007年返港後, 李氏於第六十一屆香港校際音樂節公開組男高音獨唱,神劇和藝術歌曲項目中勝出,亦為第四屆葉氏歌唱比賽中藝術歌曲項目之優勝者。李氏於2008年以優異成績考獲位倫敦聖三一學院聲樂專業文憑。隨後李氏曾多次被不同的本地合唱團與團體邀請為男高音獨唱,包括香港和聲,聲蜚合唱節,Die Konzertisten 和香港新青年合唱團。演出作品包括韓德爾《彌賽亞》,貝多芬《D小調第九交響曲「合唱」》,羅西尼《小莊嚴彌撒曲》,布列頓的清唱劇《聖尼哥拉》,浦契尼《榮耀彌撒曲》以及於2014年首次演繹巴赫《聖約翰受難曲》中傳道人一角。