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Jerry Yeung

Jerry Yeung 楊永勣

Jerry Yeung Wing-Chik started practising Ving Tsun under the coaching of Master Wong Shun Leung in 1989 when he was 14. In his twenties, he participated in HK Wushu Sanda Opens and gained Champions for three consecutive years, then was invited to join the HKSAR Sanda Team and represented Hong Kong to participate in the 7th World Wushu Championships. From Learning to teaching, Jerry now has over 30 years of experience in Ving Tsun.

Starting in 2012, Jerry was invited by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to participate as a co-host in various episodes of a kung fu TV Program Series, namely Kung Fu Quest II (2012), Kung Fu Quest III (2013), Sau Hang (2014), and Kung Fu Quest IV (2019).

After assisting in a Ving Tsun school for around 10 years, Jerry decided to set up one of his own, thus establishing PVT (Pure Ving Tsun), meaning to teach with a concentration on Ving Tsun only.

Jerry is very dedicated and passionate about Ving Tsun that he spends his lifetime learning, exploring, and redeveloping it. He looks for new teaching methods to make students easier to learn and understand, and turning Ving Tsun from a street fighting Kung Fu into an art of thinking, a philosophy in life which could probably change one’s life.


2012年,香港電台開拍《功夫傳奇》的第二輯,甄選了 Jerry 作客席主持。及後繼續邀請拍攝同一系列的功夫節目,包括《功夫傳奇III》(2013)、《修行》(2014),以及2019年的《功夫傳奇IV》。

教學路上,Jerry 在一家拳館協助教授約有十年時間之後,於2010年創辦了自己的拳館,命名為「純。詠春」,寓意只教授詠春拳,並沒有其他武術元素。

Jerry 對詠春非常專注和抱有熱誠,他一生都在學習、探索,尋找新的教學方法,讓學生更容易學習和理解,把詠春從巷戰功夫變成一種思維藝術,一種可能改變一個人一生的人生哲學,希望可以藉此令一種傳統武術在現今社會重新發展。

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