The Hong Kong Children's Choir Chamber Youth
Committed to providing a platform for aspired teenagers to explore different types of choral music, the Chamber Youth of The Hong Kong Children’s Choir (HKCC) was founded by HKCC Music Director and Principal Conductor Kathy Fok in 2006. Since its establishment, it has appeared in performances including ‘2010 a cappella in Town’, ‘Desafio Todo’ Concert, ‘Global Outstanding Chinese Children and Youth Singing Festival’, ‘Hong Kong Flower Show 2014’, ‘International Volunteer Day Recognition Gala 2014’, ’35th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony’ in 2016, ‘2016 Hong Kong Country Club Tree Lighting Ceremony’, and ’36th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony’ in 2017.
In addition to local performances, Chamber Youth has been invited to different exchanges and workshops such as ‘1st Kagoshima Asian Youth Arts Festival’ in Japan in 2006. In 2012, the group was invited by the Bureau of Education and Youth Affairs and the Macau International Centre of Culture and Arts to perform in ’31st Inter-school Singing Competition’. The group also has also participated extensively in charitable events, including ‘Music Marathon 2010’ for Crossroad Global Distribution to help earthquake victims in Qinghai, ‘Shoes-off Walkathon 2010’ for the China Education Association, the University of Hong Kong Student Union to help students in rural areas in the Mainland, ‘All Stars in Cabaret’ in 2014 and ‘All Stars in Cabaret 2—The Bohemian Night’ in 2015 to raise fund for the Oxfam Hong Kong as well as the ‘Community for the Chest’ Television Show in 2016. Since 2019, Ms Vivian Ip has served as the conductor of Chamber Youth.
香港兒童合唱團青年合唱組由音樂總監兼首席指揮霍嘉敏女士於2006年成立,為有志於合唱藝術、喜愛接觸各類型合唱曲目的青年提供平台。成立以來積極參與本地音樂會及演出,如「2010『無伴奏.新感受』青年音樂會」、「Desafio Todo音樂會」、「全球傑出華人青少年歌唱節」、「2014香港花卉展覽」、「2014國際義工日嘉許晚會」、「2016第三十五屆香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮」、「2016香港鄉村俱樂部聖誕亮燈儀式」及「2017第三十六屆香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮」等。
除本地演出外,青年合唱組亦參與不少交流工作坊,曾於2006年到日本出席「鹿兒島第一屆亞洲青年藝術節」、2012年獲澳門教育暨青年局及澳門文化藝術教育中心邀請,於「第三十一屆校際歌唱比賽」作表演嘉賓,卓越的表現獲外界肯定。青年合唱組亦熱心投入各項慈善活動,曾參與的籌款活動包括為「國際十字路會」籌募經費以扶助青海地震災民的「Music Marathon 2010籌款音樂會」、為「香港大學學生會中國教育小組」籌募經費以扶助內地山區學童的「赤足行2010」、2014年及2015年為「樂施會」籌款的「星.歌舞.匯」及「星.歌舞.匯2 波希米亞之夜」,以及2016年「萬眾同心公益金」電視演出等。自2019年起,由葉詠媛女士擔任青年合唱組指揮至今。