Gordon Lee
Harmonica player Gordon Lee garnered international attention when he won the champion prize at the prestigious 8th World Harmonica Festival in Germany in 2017. As a Hong Kong native, he has performed at Carnegie Hall in New York, MuTh Concert Hall in Vienna, the Esplanade in Singapore, the International Harmonica Festival in Seoul, and at the World Harmonica Festival in Germany. He has appeared as a soloist with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, and the Asian Youth Orchestra.
He has performed on stage with the renowned classical music comedy duo Igudesman & Joo and pop singers namely Jacky Cheung, Eason Chan, Alfred Hui, Chet Lam, Hins Cheung, Alan Tam, Phil Lam, Ng Yip-kwan, Hacken Lee, Leon Lai, Lowell Lo, Teresa Carpio, and Kay Tse. He has also appeared on television in both Hong Kong and China, including an appearance on Hunan Television’s 2016 reality show ‘I Am a Singer’ as a harmonica artist. Gordon Lee’s mentors include Franz Chmel, Sigmund Groven, and the two-time Grammy Award Winner Howard Levy. He also studied under Sheng master Cheng Tak-wai.
In 2018, the release of the CD “Gordon Lee and his Encore Trio” received international acclaim. Gordon Lee is the founder of the Hong Kong Harmonica Academy and currently teaches at the University of Hong Kong and The Education University of Hong Kong. He is often sought after to host talks and workshops on modern harmonica techniques. He currently serves on the jury for the Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival, the Seoul International Harmonica Festival, and the World Harmonica Festival.
口琴演奏家李俊樂在香港出生及成長,自 2017 年在德國舉行的「第八屆世界口琴節」奪得冠軍殊榮後,即備受國際注目,獲邀在多個知名的演奏場地表演,包括紐約卡內基大廳、維也納兒童合唱團音樂廳、新加坡濱海藝術中心、首爾「國際口琴節」、德國「世界口琴節」等;亦曾以獨奏身份和香港管弦樂團、香港城市室樂團、香港中樂團及亞洲青年交響樂團合作演出。他曾與著名的玩轉古典音樂二人組意高文與朱亨基、流行音樂歌手張學友、陳奕迅、許廷鏗、林一峰、張敬軒、譚詠麟、林奕匡、吳業坤、李克勤、黎明、盧冠廷、杜麗莎、謝安琪等同台演出。他在本港和內地電視也是演出頻繁,其中包括 2016 年在湖南衛視的歌唱節目《我是歌手》中擔任口琴獨奏嘉賓。李俊樂曾追隨多位口琴演奏家例如弗朗茲.齊美爾、西格蒙.葛洛文、兩屆格林美大獎得主霍華德.李維等學藝,亦曾向「中國第一鍵笙」鄭德惠請益,以精進吹奏樂器技巧。他錄製的唱片專輯《李俊樂與他的喝彩三重奏》,2018 年作全球發行,大獲國際好評。李氏是香港口琴藝術學院創辦人,現任教於香港大學及香港教育大學,並經常獲邀主持現代口琴技巧講座和工作坊。他現為「亞太口琴節」、「首爾國際口琴節」、「世界口琴節」評審委員。