© Eric Hong
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Vision: To inspire through the finest music-making 願景:呈獻美樂 啟迪心靈
The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil) is regarded as one of the leading orchestras in Asia. The orchestra’s annual schedule focuses on symphonic repertoire, with conductors and soloists from all over the world. The HK Phil runs an extensive education programme, commissions new works and nurtures local talent. Recording projects have included a CD for children narrated in Cantonese, works by Tan Dun and Bright Sheng conducted by the composers, and Wagner’s Ring Cycle. With Music Director Jaap van Zweden since 2012, the HK Phil has toured Europe, Asia, Australia, and on numerous occasions to Mainland China. Yu Long has been Principal Guest Conductor since the 2015/16 season. Lio Kuokman has been recently appointed as Resident Conductor. The HK Phil won the prestigious UK classical music magazine Gramophone’s 2019 Orchestra of the Year Award – the first orchestra in Asia to receive this accolade.
香港管弦樂團( 港樂 )獲譽為亞洲最前列的管弦樂團之一。每年節目以交響曲目為主,並邀請世界各地的指揮和演奏家演出。港樂不但舉辦豐富的教育活動,更委約新作,以及培育本地新秀。灌錄專輯包括:為孩子而設、以廣東話敍述的唱片;由譚盾和盛宗亮親自指揮各自作品的專輯;以及華格納全套《指環 》歌劇四部曲。音樂總監梵志登自2012年上任後,曾先後帶領港樂到歐洲、亞洲、澳洲,以及中國各地巡演。余隆由2015/16樂季起擔任首席客席指揮。廖國敏於 2020年12月獲委任為駐團指揮。2019年港樂榮獲英國著名古典音樂雜誌《留聲機》年度管弦樂團大獎,成為亞洲首個獲此殊榮的樂團。
The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and is a Venue Partner of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre
SWIRE is the Principal Patron of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra