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Zee Zee

© Sunhao Zhou

左章 Zee Zee

Zee Zee is “full of enthusiasm and glamour, radiating the vigour of youth” (Chinese Gramophone), and her creative maturity has been hailed as “a powerful, passionate and compelling representation of pure artistry” (Los Angeles Times). Recent highlights have included the season opening concert with the Estonian National Symphony under Neeme Järvi, the Macedonian Philharmonic, the China Philharmonic at the Beijing Music Festival, the Philharmonia Orchestra at the Royal Festival Hall, London, under Paavo Järvi, and the complete piano concertos of Beethoven and Saint-Saëns with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra.

Zee Zee has begun a recital tour throughout China and will have her debut at the Lucerne Summer Festival this summer. In 2019 Universal released her first album, featuring Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G and Liszt’s Piano Concerto no. 1 with Paavo Järvi and the Philharmonia Orchestra.  In past seasons Zee Zee performed Liszt’s Piano Concerto no. 1 with the Tonhalle Orchestra in Zurich and at the Shanghai Arts Festival, and Ravel’s Concerto in G with the NHK Symphony Orchestra at the Hong Kong Arts Festival. She also returned to the Hangzhou Philharmonic, China Philharmonic, and Shanghai Symphony orchestras, and was the Artist in Residence with the Sichuan Symphony Orchestra. She made her debuts with the Seattle Symphony, Fresno Philharmonic, and the Kristiansand Symphony orchestras, and appeared at the MiTo Festival (Italy), the Gilmore Festival (Michigan), and in the SJE Arts Series (Oxford).


左章最近開展了中國獨奏會巡演,並將於今年8 月首度於夏季琉森音樂節亮相。2019年,環球唱片為她發行了首張專輯,與巴孚・約菲和愛樂管弦樂團合奏拉威爾G大調鋼琴協奏曲及李斯特第一鋼琴協奏曲。在過去的樂季中,左章曾分別聯同蘇黎世音樂廳管弦樂團以及在上海國際藝術節演奏李斯特第一鋼協,並於香港藝術節的NHK交響樂團音樂會中演奏拉威爾G大調鋼琴協奏曲。她亦重回杭州愛樂樂團、中國愛樂樂團和上海交響樂團的舞台,而且擔任四川交響樂團駐團藝術家。她已跟西雅圖交響樂團、佛雷斯諾愛樂樂團和克里斯蒂安桑交響樂團首演,並曾參加意大利米蘭都靈九月音樂節、美國密歇根州吉爾摩國際鋼琴節,以及英國牛津聖約翰福音堂藝術系列。

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