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Wang Liang

Wang Liang 王亮

Currently Second Associate Concertmaster of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Wang Liang was born into a musical family in Shenyang, China.

As one of the most popular violinists in Hong Kong, Wang has made numerous concerto appearances at major concerts. In May 2021, he performed as a soloist in ‘The Red Violin: Movie in Concert’ at Le French May Arts Festival, with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. In October, he was also invited by The Chopin Society of Hong Kong to play the Saint-Saëns Violin Concerto No. 3 and La Muse et le Poète at the Joy of Music Festival 2021. In 2023, he performed Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto with the Ponte Orchestra at Hong Kong City Hall. Wang is also active in performing at various venues, having been invited to Tai Kwun, Hong Kong Palace Museum, Freespace, Tea House Theatre of Xiqu Centre, S’way Recital Hall, Musica Del Cuore, and others.

Wang has appeared as a guest concertmaster with Macao Orchestra, Greater Bay Philharmonic Orchestra, In-heritage Philharmonic, Saigon Philharmonic Orchestra, Shenyang Symphony Orchestra, Central Conservatory of Music Orchestra, Shaanxi Symphony Orchestra, and Shanghai Summer Music Festival. In the summer of 2022, Wang was invited to be the soloist and concertmaster of the Young Musicians European Orchestra in Italy.

In addition to performing, Wang is passionate about music education and charity work. He has given masterclasses at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and serves as an adjunct faculty member at Music Department of Hong Kong Baptist University. He is currently the speaker for the 2024 ABRSM violin syllabus seminar, hosted by ABRSM and Tom Lee Music. He is also the conductor of the St. Paul’s Co-educational College string orchestra and has been invited to be the member of Circle of Friends of First Initiative Foundation.

Wang has been interviewed by TV programmes, including Music Talks of RTHK and Close To Culture by i-Cable News. He has also been featured in articles by the South China Morning PostWen Wei PoMing PaoChina News ServiceSky PostEast Week and U Lifestyle.

During his school years, Wang won the violin competition twice at the Shenyang Conservatory of Music. He was awarded a full scholarship to study at the Central Conservatory of Music under the renowned Professor Lin Yaoji.

In 2021, Wang completed the recording of all 24 Caprices by Niccolò Paganini, which are available on his website. Wang Liang plays a 1788 Joseph Gagliano violin, donated by The Ladies Committee of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society.

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