Sanders Lau
Sanders Lau is a multifaceted choral musician with an unshakable belief in choral music’s unique power to express and connect. He is the Artistic Director and founder of NOĒMA, a newly established chamber choir that is dedicated to pursuing the advancement of Hong Kong’s choral scene and comprises some of the city’s finest choral singers. A much sought-after conductor, Sanders has worked extensively with Die Konzertisten, cultivating a specialised interest in the historically informed performances of early music, and has collaborated with a constellation of internationally distinguished artists, including conductors Jonathan Cohen, Stephen Layton, and John Butt, on masterpieces such as Bach’s Mass in B minor and John Passion, Handel’s Messiah, and Mozart’s Requiem.
Sanders is ardent about nurturing the next generation of choral leaders. He has been invited to teach, adjudicate, and give masterclasses, workshops, lectures, and pre-concert talks for numerous institutions and organisations such as the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Macao Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Interschool Choral Festival, and many local youth choirs.
Outside of the classical music scene, Sanders is known for his work with ‘Chan Fai Young x Girls’ Choir’. He is also the founder and baritone of the award-winning vocal jazz a cappella group ‘jmJazz’.
劉卓熙是一名多元合唱音樂家。由他創立兼擔任藝術總監的室樂合唱團 NOĒMA 匯聚香港合唱精英,致力透過精進演出,為本地合唱發展帶來新可能。劉氏亦為 Die Konzertisten(DK)之駐團指揮,專門以鑑古手法演出早期音樂。DK在他指導下多次與國際知名指揮家合作,包括高恩、畢特、萊頓,演出經典鉅作如巴赫《B小調彌撒曲》、《約翰受難曲》、韓德爾《彌賽亞》、莫扎特《安魂曲》。
傳統古典音樂以外,劉氏為「陳輝陽 x 女聲合唱」指揮。他也是爵士樂無伴奏人聲樂團「做乜Jazz」的男中音及創團人。