Ruth Lau
Ruth started her vocal training with Ella Kiang and Brian Montgomery at young age. She later obtained her Master of Music degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2016 under the tutelage of renowned soprano Nancy Yuen. An active performer both as chorister and soloist, Ruth has sung with SingFest Choral Academy in concerts featuring J.S. Bach’s Magnificat in D Major, Mass in B minor, Christmas Oratorio, selected church cantatas, and Handel’s Messiah. She has also collaborated with Hong Kong Youth Choir as alto soloist in the Asia premiere of Cecilia MacDowall’s Magnificat; with Hong Kong Voices in Saint-Saëns’ Christmas Oratorio; with Die Konzertisten (both as chorister and alto soloist) in concert featuring J.S. Bach’s Advent cantatas and with Hong Kong Oratorio Society in Handel’s Dettingen Te Deum, Mendelssohn’s Elijah and Fanny Hansel-Mendelssohn’s oratorio Scenes from the Bible. Ruth made her operatic debut as Prince Athamas in the Academy’s opera production of Handel’s Semele and also sang the role of Mallika (Lakmé) and third lady (Die Zauberflöte) in the Academy’s opera scenes. Last year, she sang the role of Sandmännchen in Humperdinck’s Hänsel and Gretel presented by the HKU Black Box. Apart from performing locally, Ruth has worked with renowned artists in masterclasses across Europe, including Peter Philips (Tallis Scholars Summer School), Helmuth RIlling (Weimar Bach Cantata Academy), Emma Kirkby (Bel Canto Summer School), and Edith Mathis (Ticino Musica Festival).
劉思敏早年隨江樺及孟浩文習唱,後考入香港演藝學院隨阮妙芬女士深造,並於2016年取得音樂碩士學位。劉氏活躍於本港歌唱活動,多時以獨唱者及合唱團成員身分與多個團體合作,近年演出包括與聲蜚合唱學院演出巴赫《尊主頌》、《B小調彌撒曲》、《聖誕神曲》、教會清唱劇講座音樂會系列,以及韓德爾《彌賽亞》等。此外,她亦曾應香港新青年合唱團、香港和聲、Die Konzertisten及香港聖樂團等邀請擔任女低音獨唱,演唱巴赫將臨期清唱劇、韓德爾《德汀根謝恩讚美頌》、孟德爾遜《以利亞》、芬妮・孟德爾遜《聖經故事神曲》、聖桑《聖誕神曲》及McDowall《尊主頌》(亞洲首演)等作品。劉氏亦參與演藝歌劇韓德爾《賽墨勒》,飾演阿塔瑪斯王子,以及歌劇選段音樂會中飾演瑪麗卡及第三侍女。去年於香港大學黑盒劇場上演之《糖果屋》中飾演睡仙子。除本地演出外,劉氏亦曾於歐洲多個城市參與大師班,隨多位著名歌唱家及指揮家學藝。