Rachel Kwok 郭岍
Born and raised in Hong Kong, soprano Rachel Kwok has been an active vocalist throughout Hong Kong and Asia in recent years. Her recent performances include Give & Thrive with Gustav Mahler Orchestra, Bach Cantata Lecture Concert Tour in Malaysia with the Bachfest Malaysia, the Hong Kong Arts Festival dance opera Love Streams, and Opera Hong Kong La Traviata. She has also won various awards in recent years.
On the opera stage, Kwok has starred in opera roles as Olympia in Les Contes d’Hoffmann, and Queen of the Night in Die Zauberflöte. In 2021, she made her debut with Adina with Opera Hong Kong in L’elisir d’amore, receiving critical acclaim for her vivid performance and delicate voice.
Kwok has also appeared as a chorister and soloist in many large-scale choral-orchestral works, including St. Matthew Passion and Mass in B minor at Bachfest Malaysia, Messiah and Missa in angustiis for Hong Kong Youth Choir, and Ein deutsches Requiem for Hong Kong Ponte Orchestra and Singers.
She is one of the alumni of the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme 2019-2022. She obtained the Advanced Diploma in Vocal and Opera Studies from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with full scholarship from HKSAR Government Scholarship. She holds a Bachelor of Social Science in Sociology from Hong Kong Baptist University and a Master of Arts in Music Studies from the University of Hong Kong.
郭氏常以合唱及獨唱身份演出大型合唱交響作品,包括馬來西亞巴赫節《聖馬太受難曲》、《B小調彌撒曲》、香港新青年合唱團《彌賽亞》、《尼爾遜彌撒曲》、Hong Kong Ponte Orchestra and Singers《德意志安魂曲》等;郭氏是賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展及教育計劃2019-2022年度青年演唱家之一。她獲全額香港特別行政區獎學金修畢香港演藝學院聲樂及演唱深造文憑。她先後獲頒香港浸會大學社會學學士及香港大學音樂研究文學碩士。