Pun Chak-yin 潘澤然
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Pun Chak‐yin received his Diploma and Bachelor of Music Degree in cello from Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 2012 and 2015, under the tutelage of cellist Karey Kwok‐Chee Ho. In 2017, Pun completed his Master of Arts Degree in cello performance at Royal Academy of Music, where he was awarded the Mary Stuart Harding entrance award, under the tutelage of Professor David Strange. Pun is currently teaching at the HKAPA Junior Music Programme.
Pun has participated in masterclasses with cellists including Professor Li Ji Wu, Bion Tsang, Professor Zhu Yi Bing, and Jens Peter Maintz. He has also participated in music festivals and projects, such as Musicus Festival, and the Modern Academy 2015. Over the years, Pun was awarded scholarships including Breguet Trey Lee Scholarship in Pursuit of Musical Excellence, Freemason’s Lodge Scholarship, First Initiative Foundation Music Scholarship, and Breguet Trey Lee Performing Arts Scholarship.
Active in chamber music playing, Pun has participated in masterclasses with Vladimir Mendelssohn and Miami Quartet, and gave performances of string quartets and piano trios, including Academy New Generation Artists Concert and Academy Dance: Opus 16: Point of Departure while studying at the Academy. As the cellist of several ensembles, Pun also gave performances in St. John’s Smith Square, Concert of Finland 100 & Hong Kong 20th return, and The 19th China Shanghai International Arts Festival. Pun has joined the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble (HKNME) as an associate musician in 2021.
潘澤然生於香港,於2015年畢業於香港演藝學院,取得音樂學士 (榮譽) 學位,就學期間曾獲得寶璣李垂誼音樂勵進獎學金、Freemason’s Lodge Scholarship及First Initiative Foundation Music Scholarship,並師從大提琴家何國芝。及後獲Mary Stuart Harding entrance award赴英國皇家音樂學院深造,師從Professor David Strange,並於2017年取得大提琴演奏碩士學位。潘氏現時任教於香港演藝學院青少年音樂課程。