Linus Fung
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Fung Yat Shan (Linus) is an active and versatile Hong Kong-based clarinettist who currently works as a core member of the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble (HKNME). He has performed in Shanghai New Music Week, Seoul International Computer Music Festival, Macau Huan Yuan Exhibition, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong New Vision Arts Festival, and various Arts events since season 2016-17.
Linus studied music in The Chinese University of Hong Kong under the tutorship of Martin Choy. He then further studied in Royal Northern College of Music under the tutorship of John Bradbury, Lynsey Marsh and Nicholas Cox.
Linus plays the clarinet for the renowned Wuji Ensemble since 2018. Linus also regularly plays as principal clarinet with the Ponte Orchestra of Hong Kong since its establishment and has played in various projects with the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Opera Hong Kong, Cantabile, among many freelance occasions.
As a soloist, Linus has given numerous solo recitals in Hong Kong, Macau, Shantou and Manchester, including a recent full-length recital in Hong Kong City Hall’s “Our Music Talents” Recital Series presented by LCSD.
During spring 2018 and 2019, he was also invited to perform concerti with the Hong Kong Medical Association Orchestra and Chung Chi Wind Orchestra respectively. In Summer 2018, Linus was invited to demonstrate in the renowned Juilliard professor Ayako Oshima’s lecture in Hong Kong. In October 2020, Linus was invited to give a lecture-recital titled “Stravinsky’s Clarinet” in the University of Hong Kong with Prof. Chan Hing Yan.
As a chamber musician, Linus is the clarinettist and curator of active local classical chamber group, The TimeCrafters. The group has given concerts for Hong Kong Arts Festival Plus, Hong Kong Arts Festival Outreach, Tai Kwun lunchtime series and more. Linus was being interviewed on RTHK’s “The Work” multiple times for his chamber commitments. In spring 2018, he founded and curates the clarinet ensemble “Reed A Bit”, giving community and family concerts.
馮逸山是一名活躍於香港的靑年單簧管手。現為香港創樂團單簧管手,曾於上海新音樂周、首爾電子音樂節、香港藝術節及新視野藝術節等演出。馮氏致力推動室樂,為「時 ‧ 刻室樂」及「小簧子」之策劃及單簧管手。「時 ‧ 刻室樂」以舉辦專題古典室樂聚為主,嚴選樂曲以主題連繋,透過輕鬆的解說及專業演奏為聽眾提供古典室樂體驗。「小簧子」是一隊活躍於香港的單簧管合奏團,透過生動的演奏推廣單簧管音樂。
馮氏2018年起受邀參與無極樂團演出。參與作品包括「空塵」、「人淡如菊」意境音樂劇場及「無極爵躍」。 2018年8月馮氏有幸受邀請於茱莉亞學院教授大島文子主講的講座即席示範。2020年10月亦有幸受香港大學繆思樂季邀請於陳慶恩教授主持的「史特拉汶斯基的單簧管」示範講座對談及即席示範。
此外,馮氏曾於汕頭、澳門及香港各個場所舉辦個人獨奏會。今年五月受康樂及文化事務署邀請於「音樂顯才華」系列舉辦個人獨奏會。此外,馮氏曾為香港醫學會管弦樂團及崇基管樂團作協奏曲獨奏演出,亦常於Ponte Orchestra of Hong Kong擔任首席單簧管手,並曾受邀為香港作曲家聯會、香港小交響樂團、香港歌劇院、香港藝術節等演出。
馮氏畢業於香港中文大學音樂系主修單簧管,師承蔡國田老師。之後於英國皇家北方音樂學院 (RNCM)進修並獲得音樂碩士學位,師承John Bradbury, Lynsey Marsh及Nichloas Cox。在學期間曾於2016年贏得RNCM跨樂系室樂比賽,參與香港管弦樂團Share The Stage計劃、Halle管弦樂團 Professional Experience Scheme (PES) 及 BBC 管弦樂團 PES 並參與BBC 管弦樂團之演出及錄音工作。