Jenny Ng
Jenny Ng has established herself as a collaborative artist since 2005. She is frequently demanded as a professional accompanist and chamber musician in many recitals, festivals, competitions, masterclasses and recording across Asia and Europe. Her performances were found in many leading venues including Queen Elizabeth Hall at London Southbank Centre, York Minster, Regent Hall, Southwark Cathedral, Hong Kong City Hall and Cultural Centre as well as Macau Cultural Centre. Her recent engagements include collaborations with Hong Kong Sinfonietta, PanAsia Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, and Macau Youth Symphonic Band. Over the years, her performances and interviews have been broadcasted on newspapers and radios with RTHK Radio 4, South China Morning Post, UK Chinese Times etc.
Jenny holds double Master Degrees in Piano Accompaniment (Master of Music, and Master in Music Performance – Guildhall Artist) from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, with scholarships awarded by the Guildhall School Trust. She then became a staff pianist at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, as a specialist of vocal repertoire. In addition to accompanimental works with vocalists, Jenny has also worked closely with several instrumental pedagogues such as David Takeno and John Harle, and has established a long-time collaborative duo and trio partnership with violinist Kitty Cheung and saxophonist Timothy Sun since then.
Jenny has received numerous awards and was a first-prize winner in many competitions, including York Music Festival. Previously she has studied under Michael Ward, Sylvia Carter, Maria Krivenski, Alexander Ivashkin, Steven Cottroll, Caroline Palmer and Pamela Liliard.
伍凱鈴生於香港,經常以專業伴奏及室樂家身份被邀請參加多個演出,比賽,大師班,錄音製作。於英國倫敦接受音樂專業訓練。榮獲市政廳音樂及戲劇學院頒贈獎學金擁有雙碩士學位,專修鋼琴演奏及伴奏。畢業後更於該校任專業伴奏,為全校的聲樂部伴奏。曾多次為世界著名聲樂家Sarah Walker及Laura Sati合作,更參與著名鋼琴家Malcolm Martineau, Martin Katz, Graham Johnson,Iain Burnside 及Helmut Deutsch的大師班,進一步深造琴藝。她多年曾師從的鋼琴老師包 括Michael Ward, Sylvia Carter, Maria Krivenski,Alexander Ivashkin, Steven Cottroll, Caroline Palmer以及Pamela Liliard。除了鋼琴伴奏外,伍凱鈴在2006年與色士風手孫穎麟及小提琴手張文蕊成立三重奏。期間獲著名導師John Harle及David Takeno的督導,深入專研室樂演奏。
伍凱鈴定居於英國15年, 在英國多個城市舉行個人演奏會。期間持續在歐洲,香港, 中國,澳門及東南亞等地演出。曾於世界著名的音樂廳如伊麗莎白女王音樂廳及約克大教堂演出。她曾與多個樂團合作,當中包括香港小交響樂團,汎亞交響樂團,香港創樂團,澳門青年管樂團。