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Jeannette Li

李欣霖 Jeannette Lee

Described to have “a lovely mezzo voice with lots of color, warmth and vibrancy”, Hong Kong mezzo soprano Jeannette Lee is a sought-after versatile performer who recently received the Hilda Harris Mezzo Soprano Prize at the 2022 George Shirley Vocal Competition. She was also the runner-up in 2021 NATS Artist Award (New England Region).

On the concert stage, she recently appeared in Osvaldo Golijov’s Oceana – a groundbreaking Latin jazz cantata conducted by Noah Horn. Other solo appearances of note include cover for Reginald Mobley and choral soloist with the Cantata Singers in Handel’s Dixit Dominus, Britten’s Cantata Academica with Vivian Ip and Monteverdi’s Marienvespers with Wolfgang Katschner. She also sang the Asian premiere of Jacobsen’s For Sixty Cents with Cong Quartet and collaborated with TwoSet Violin in Hong Kong Festival Orchestra’s concert.

Jeannette’s recent operatic appearances include Angelina in Rossini’s La cenerentola with Random Opera Company (UK) and Antonia in Wagner’s Das Liebesverbot with Cambridge Chamber Ensemble. Jeannette is engaged to premiere in Beth Ratay’s In the House of Serenity as Becca in Boston Opera Collaborative’s Opera Bites production and Emily Koh’s HER:alive/un/dead with Guerilla Opera in 2023.

被譽為「擁有一副甜美而充滿絢麗色彩、溫暖而洋溢著活力的中音嗓子」, 來自香港的李欣霖(Jeannette)是一位備受矚目的女中音。Jeannette最近於佐治雪莉歌唱比賽2022中榮獲希爾達哈里斯女中音獎,亦於2021 NATS藝術家獎(新英格蘭地區)中獲得亞軍。

在音樂會舞台上,Jeannette最近出演由諾亞.霍恩所指揮、奧斯瓦爾多.戈利約夫所寫的劃時代拉丁爵士清唱劇《奧西安娜》。其他主要的獨奏演出包括與Cantata Singers演唱韓德爾的作品《榮耀經》、由葉詠媛所指揮、布烈頓所作的《學院清唱劇》以及由沃爾夫岡.卡奇納所指揮、蒙台威爾第所作的《馬利亞晚禱》。她也與Cong Quartet 在亞洲首演了雅各布森的《六十美分》及在香港節慶管弦樂團與TwoSet Violin同台演出。

Jeannette近期的歌劇演出包括與Random Opera Company (UK) 合作,在羅西尼的《灰姑娘》中飾演主角安吉蓮娜,以及在劍橋室內樂團飾演了華格納《愛情的禁令》 裡的安東妮亞。來年,她將會在波士頓歌劇院—精品歌劇製作首演Beth Ratay的作品《In the House of Serenity》,在此精品歌劇裡飾演主角之一的Becca。此外,也會與Guerilla Opera合作,出演Emily Koh的作品《HER:alive/un/dead》。

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