Fox Chan King-hei 陳敬熙
Student of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the tutelage of Kam Shui, Fox Chan King-hei is a recipient of the ABRSM Scholarships (2017-21). He has just been selected to The Orchestra Academy (TOA) Fellowship Programme and is working with the HK Phil for the 2021/22 Season. Being an active bassoonist in Hong Kong, Chan was also a member of the 29th Asian Youth Orchestra.
陳敬熙現就讀於香港演藝學院,師承前港樂巴松管首席金瑞,2017 年至 2021 年間榮獲英國皇家音樂學院獎學金,並剛獲選為管弦樂精英訓練計劃 (TOA) 的駐團學員,於 2021/22 樂季與港樂合作及接受樂團培訓。他是一位活躍於香港各大樂團表演的巴松管手,亦是第 29 屆亞洲青年管弦樂團的成員。