Felix Yeung
Award-winning conductor Felix Yeung currently combines his office as Director of Music at St John’s Cathedral and Provincial Music Director of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. He is also Music Director Die Konzertisten, one of Hong Kong’s foremost chamber choirs. Felix was given the Award for Young Artist (Music) in 2015 by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. He is also a 2015 recipient of Jebsen & Co. Choral Arts Youth Scholarship awarded by World Youth and Children Choral Artists’ Association. He is appointed the Director of Music of the Lambeth Conference 2022.
Felix has conducted Die Konzertisten in performances of Bach St Matthew Passion, Purcell Dido and Aeneas, Buxtehude Membra Jesu Nostri, Fauré Requiem, Bernstein Chichester Psalms, Lauridsen Lux Aeterna, Howells Requiem, and Bruckner Mass in E minor among others. In 2014, Felix led the choir to perform with the world-renowned countertenor, Iestyn Davies, who made his Asia début. He has also prepared the choir for internationally acclaimed conductors such as Stephen Layton, Jonathan Cohen, John Butt, and Chen Yun-hung, performing pieces such as Handel Messiah, Bach St John Passion, and Mozart Requiem.
As chorusmaster of the Hong Kong Arts Festival Chorus and Die Konzertisten, Felix has prepared these choirs for performances of Berlioz Lélio with Les Siècles (2019), Zhou Long Madame White Snake (The first Chinese winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Music) (2019), Wagner Das Liebesmahl der Apostel with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra & Male Choir (2018), Debussy Pelleas et Melisande (2018), Bright Sheng Dream of the Red Chamber (2017), and Gluck Iphigenia in Tauris with Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch (2014).
Felix is an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, where he obtained an MMus with distinction under the tutelage of conductors Patrick Russill and Paul Brough. He was awarded the Academy’s coveted premier prix, the DipRAM, for outstanding performance in his final recital, and has obtained the LRAM diploma in choral conducting pedagogy. Upon finishing his graduate studies, Felix became the first Pettman Organ Scholar at the London Oratory, and worked closely with the Oratory Junior Choir for all of their rehearsals and services, as well as assisting in the Oratory’s major Latin liturgies. Felix read music at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he was also music director of the Hong Kong Youth Choir.
指揮楊欣諾屢獲殊榮。他現為香港聖公會教省及聖約翰座堂的音樂總監;也是香港的頂尖室內合唱團的Die Konzertisten(DK)之音樂總監。楊氏為2015香港藝術發展局「藝術新秀獎(音樂)」得主。同年,他獲頒「世界青少年合唱節——捷成洋行合唱藝術青年獎學金」。楊氏亦被委任為2022年蘭柏會議的音樂總監。
作為英國皇家音樂學院的傑出年輕校友,楊氏最近獲頒ARAM(Associate of the Royal Academy of Music)榮譽。他於學院隨Patrick Russill及Paul Brough學藝,以優異成績考獲音樂碩士學位,並以其畢業獨奏演出中的出色表現,獲頒學院最高榮譽的DipRAM名銜,又成功考獲LRAM合唱指揮教學文憑。畢業後,楊氏成為倫敦司鐸祈禱會聖堂首任佩特曼風琴學者,指揮司鐸祈禱會兒童合唱團,並為該堂的大型禮拜儀式演奏。楊欣諾畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,在學期間,他曾任香港新青年合唱團音樂總監。