Chu Pak Him
朱栢謙畢業於香港演藝戲劇學院,主修導演,獲戲劇藝術碩士。曾為中英劇團全職演員,香港小交響樂團駐團藝術家及演戲家族創作總監。與不同劇團及單位合作演出多個舞台劇,憑《夢魅雪夜》 獲第 21 屆香港舞台劇獎提名「最佳原創歌曲及歌詞」,以及《一水南天》獲第 30 屆香港舞台劇獎提名最佳導演(悲劇/正劇),並憑中英劇團《大龍鳳》獲第 23 屆香港舞台劇獎最佳男主角(喜劇/鬧劇)。舞台近作包括音樂劇《雄獅少年》、《Laugh Vacation》、《薄伽梵歌》、《Next To Normal 下一站正常》、《久天長地》、《聖荷西謀殺案》、《大 MK 日》、《我們的音樂劇 Reimagine》、《一屋寶貝》等等。
近年踏足影視界,演出的電影包括《談判專家》、《白日之下》、《4 拍 4 家族》、《正義迥廊》、《深宵閃避球》、《窄路微塵》、《麥路人》、《手捲煙》等;電視劇集的演出有《冰上火花》、《野人老師》、《大誠實家》、《IT 狗》、《教束》、《午夜伴廊》等等。除了幕前演出,亦為電影電視作品擔任戲劇指導,及開辦演戲課程。非常享受戲劇教學工作,衷心獲益於學員的教導及分享。
Chu Pak-him (or more commonly known as: Chu Him) is a highly accomplished actor, director, and teacher with a passion for the performing arts, one of the members of the band ‘Juicyning’.
Having graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Chu Him has been accumulating extensive experience working with various drama groups throughout his career, such as being a full- time actor with the Chung Ying Theatre Company, an Artist Associate at the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and the Leader of the Creative and Production Team in Actors’ Family. He has been nominated for several awards, including The Best Original Lyrics (Composition & Lyricist) at the 21st Hong Kong Drama Awards and The Best Director (Tragedy/Drama) at the 30th Hong Kong Drama Awards. Awarded The Best Actor (Comedy/Farce) at the 23rd Hong Kong Drama Awards.
Chu Him’s impressive stage performances include I Am What I Am The Musical, Laugh Vacation, Bhagavad Gita, Next to Normal, A Kind of Eternity, Murder in San Jose, Big MK Day, Reimagined, and The Passage Beyond. He has also ventured into film and TV drama performances, featuring in productions such as Crisis Negotiators, In Broad Daylight, Band Four, The Sparring Partner, Life Must Go On, The Narrow Road, I’m Livin’ It, Hand Rolled Cigarette, Sparks, Into the Wild, No One Lies, In Geek We Trust, Limited Education, and Midnight Cousin.
Chu Him also made a great attempt of solo plays, showcased by two cabarets The Transforman and The Muscles Are Too Perverted.
In recent years, Chu Him has also taken on a teaching role, offering open acting courses for those who are passionate about acting. He enjoys sharing his artistic knowledge and experience with students and has gained much fulfillment from teaching.