Cong Quartet
A string quartet in demand around Asia, Europe, and the United States, Cong Quartet is the winner of Musique à Flaine’s artistic residency in 2023 and was priorly the Artist in Residence & Ensemble-in-Residence at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) from 2019-2022. The Quartet is currently part of the Nederlandse Strijkkwartet Academie (NSKA), a young artist group of Musethica in Europe, and managed by Le Dimore del Quartetto in Italy.
The Quartet has participated in the Juilliard String Quartet Seminar and the Robert Mann String Quartet Institute in New York, The Heifetz International Music Institute, Encore Chamber Music in Cleveland, Music Academy Hörpu in Iceland, the Ozawa International Chamber Music Academy in Japan, as well as the Music in PyeongChang in South Korea, sponsored by the Artsylvia Foundation. They have also taught chamber music at CUHK, the Madeline Island Chamber Music, HIMA USA, and the Indiana University Summer String Academy.
Drawing from the mentorship of Prof. Ivan Chan, Shmuel Ashkenasi, Danel, Ysaÿe, and Pacifica Quartets, Cong Quartet’s rapid rise was fueled by top prize wins at the Virtuoso & Belcanto’s Chamber Music Competition in Italy, Salzburg Mozart International Chamber Competition in Tokyo, Kreutzer International Competition in Belgium and as a finalist of several international chamber music competitions. They have performed with world-renowned artists such as the Borromeo Quartet, Enrico Pace, Yuri Bashmet, Joshua Bell, and were focusing in collaborations with prominent musicians of their generation such as violinist Angela Chan, Jinjoo Cho, Shannon Lee, violist Adrien La Marca, cellist Brannon Cho, and Sterling Elliott in the past year.
Cong 四重奏活躍於歐美和亞洲,充滿活力的演出和富創意的曲目編排讓其成為最受觀眾愛戴的年輕四重奏之一。成立於美國印第安納大學,Cong 四重奏是今年度駐法國弗萊訥音樂廳的藝術家,並曾於 2019-2022 年出任香港大中文大學音樂系之駐校四重奏及駐校藝術家,目前為荷蘭四重奏學院的一員,並為歐洲「音樂之道」(Musethica)的年青藝術家及意大利 Le Dimore del Quartetto 旗下的四重奏。曾出席過紐約的茱莉亞音樂學院四重奏研討會、羅伯特曼恩四重奏研討會、海菲茲音樂節、冰島哈帕國際音樂節、日本小澤征爾國際音樂學院、以及受 Artsylvia 基金贊助到南韓平昌音樂節,Cong 四重奏在過去一年在意大利、美國及法國多個城市、瑞士、挪威等不同的音樂節演出。
在著名的丹奈爾四重奏、易沙意四重奏、太平洋四重奏、陳浩堂教授和阿殊堅納西等恩師的指導下, Cong 四重奏在 Virtuoso & Belcanto 音樂節室樂比賽得到最高榮譽的 Adolf Betti 獎,亦曾是 2019 年東京薩爾斯堡莫扎特室樂國際比賽及2021年比利時克羅采國際音樂比賽(室樂組)的得獎者,並打進了 2021 年荷蘭史托利歐尼室樂大賽的決賽。Cong 四重奏過去曾與博羅梅奧四重奏、鋼琴家 Enrico Pace、小提琴家貝爾、中提琴家巴舒米特等多位世界著名的演奏家合作,過去一年亦專注和多位年輕新星如小提琴家陳倩瑩、Jinjoo Cho、Shannon Lee,中提琴家 Adrien La Marca、大提琴家 Sterling Elliott、Brannon Cho 等作不同室樂演出。