© Kurt Chan
Vicky Shin 冼宏基
Highly praised for his remarkable rhythm by La Presse Montreal, multi-talented conductor and percussionist Vicky Shin has collaborated with various ensembles across Asia, North America, and Europe in both conducting and percussion.
Shin’s potentials in conducting has been revealed during his undergraduate studies, by being invited to be the first undergraduate student ever of the McGill Wind Symphony and the McGill Wind Orchestra. He has been active in North America and Europe in the past decade. He founded Ensemble 514 in Montreal, Canada to deliver the works by living composers. He also served as the Music Director of the McGill Savoy Society, performing operettas by Gilbert and Sullivan. In Europe, he appeared in the International Ensemble Modern Akademie Klangspuren Ensemble, Ensemble Linea, and the first conducting fellow at the soundSCAPE New Music Festival in Italy. Later, he was appointed as the Assistant Conductor of the Eastman Musica Nova and Conductor of the OISSIA New Music Ensemble in Rochester, N.Y. During his residence in Rochester, Shin conducted several ensembles including the Eastman Wind Orchestra and Ensemble Modern.
Shin finds the interaction between performers and composers unique, and which renders the creative process of rehearsing enlightening. Hence, his main focus is to perform contemporary music. Most recently, Shin has worked with Steve Reich and the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra players as assistant to Brad Lubman, and also served as chorus master for the Asian Premiere of the Pulitzer Prize-winning opera Angel’s Bone by Du Yun.
He is currently the Resident Conductor of the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, recording several records, and premiered several new works. He is also the Founder/ Music Director of Ensemble Traversée, aims to bring performance threading ancient to recent to Hong Kong audience. In the season of 2022-23, Shin will appear as conductor at the Hong Kong Arts Festival in the dance opera production Love Streams, and premiering various new works by local and overseas composers.
Shin obtained a Master’s degree in Conducting from the Eastman School of Music and a Bachelor’s degree in music from McGill University’s Schulich School of Music. Shin’s principal conducting teachers include Brad Lubman, Alain Cazes, and Alexis Hauser. In addition, he was privileged to have attended rehearsals and masterclasses by Maestro Peter Eötvös, Yannick Nezet-Seguin, and Kent Nagano.
He often draws his musical inspirations through cityscape photography with his trusted Leica camera.
冼宏基的非凡節奏感曾獲加拿大蒙特利爾報章《La Presse》高度讚譽,並曾在亞洲、北美、歐洲各地參與樂團演出。
冼氏在學時已被發掘出指揮的才華,並使他成為歷來首位在學時擔任麥基爾交響管樂樂團和麥基爾管樂團的指揮,同時擔任麥基爾貝多芬交響樂團及麥基爾敲擊樂隊指揮。過去十年,冼氏活躍於北美及歐洲,包括於蒙特利爾成立五一四樂團、於法國參加第一屆國際管樂指揮比賽,及出任意大利 soundSCAPE 音樂節首位駐團指揮。於擔任麥基爾薩沃伊協會音樂總監時,他曾指揮基爾拔及蘇利文的歌劇。
在指揮方面,冼氏成為伊士曼音樂學院 Eastman Musica Nova 的助理指揮及紐約州羅徹斯特的 OISSIA New Music Ensemble 的指揮。此外亦指揮多個樂團,包括 Eastman Wind Orchestra、Ensemble Modern、The International Ensemble Modern Akademie Klangspuren Ensemble,及 Ensemble Linea。
冼氏現為香港創樂團的駐團指揮,與樂團錄製多張專輯,並首演多套作品,他同時創立Ensemble Traversée 並擔音樂總監,期望為觀眾帶來穿梭古今的音樂體驗。在 2022 至 2023 的樂季,冼氏將於香港藝術節亮相,指揮《兩生花》舞蹈歌劇。另外,將演出及首演多個本地及海外作曲家的作品。
冼氏畢業於加拿大蒙特利爾麥基爾大學舒爾歷治音樂學院,其後於伊士曼音樂學院取得指揮碩士學 位,師從陸博文、艾倫.凱斯及阿麗克西斯.豪瑟學習指揮,更獲邀參與艾特沃殊、 聶澤—賽甘、長野健等指揮大師的排演及大師班。