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Konstantin Lifschitz’s “Beethoven 32 Sonatas” 10-CD Box Set


HKU MUSE x Alpha Classics
列夫席茲:貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲全集 10-CD 盒裝

Konstantin Lifschitz’s “Beethoven 32 Sonatas” 10-CD Box Set

2017 年,鋼琴家列夫席茲在香港大學於六天內舉行八場音樂會,演奏全套 32 首鋼琴奏鳴曲,大獲好評。為慶祝貝多芬誕辰250週年紀念,我們十分榮幸首次與Alpha Classics合作,推出音樂會錄音10-CD 盒裝大碟。大碟內附港大音樂系主任及國際音樂學會主席蔡寬量教授的導賞文章,在港大研討貝多芬作品的視頻也同時在網上發佈。


In 2017, pianist Konstantin Lifschitz successfully climbed the musical Everest – performing the entire set of Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas in 8 concerts over 2 weekends at HKU. We are now thrilled to announce the release of the complete sonatas on Alpha Classics in Beethoven’s 250th birthday year. In addition to the recordings, an introductory essay by Professor Daniel Chua, Chairperson of the Music Department and President of the International Musicological Society, will be featured; several dialogue sessions on Beethoven will also be made available online.

The 10-CD box set is released globally in February.


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