Rachel Cheung 張緯晴
2017 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition Finalist & Audience Award Winner Pianist Rachel Cheung is hailed as “a poet, but also a dramatist” displaying “the most sophisticated and compelling music-making” (The Dallas Morning News). Also a Young Steinway Artist, she continues to build a reputation for an elegant stage presence, giving sensitive and refined performances across three continents.
Rachel has appeared with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Jerusalem Symphony, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Sydney Symphony, London Chamber, and Fort Worth Symphony Orchestras. She has also given recitals and chamber music concerts in many cities in Northern America, Europe, and Asia, including New York, Toronto, Paris, Hamburg, and London, collaborating with world-renowned musicians like violinist Ning Feng, violist Vladimir Mendelssohn, cellist Jan-Erik Gustafsson, and the Brentano String Quartet.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Rachel graduated with first class honours at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the tutelage of Eleanor Wong, and later studied with Peter Frankl at the Yale School of Music. Rachel was awarded Artist of the Year (Music) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2019. Her first international debut album Reflections, featuring the Chopin Preludes, is released by Universal Music.
2017年范.克萊本國際鋼琴大賽晉身決賽、觀眾大獎得主鋼琴家張緯晴獲讚譽為 「既是詩人,也是戲劇家」,展現了「既精緻又具說服力的演奏」(《達拉斯晨報》)。她在 2017年范.克萊本國際鋼琴大賽中晉身決賽,出色的演繹「富於想像力,令人矚目」(《音樂美國》), 並憑著「美學及技巧」(《瓊斯劇場》)深獲觀眾與樂評人的喜愛,於網上票選奪得觀眾大獎。
張緯晴曾於各大音樂殿堂舉行獨奏會,包括巴黎羅浮宮演奏廳、漢堡易北愛樂音樂廳、倫敦施坦威音樂廳、紐約卡內基音樂廳威爾演奏廳、多倫多烈治文山演藝中心、巴黎愛樂廳,足跡遍及美國、歐洲和亞洲多個城市。2019年,張緯晴獲香港藝術發展局頒授藝術家年獎 (音樂)。2023年,她的專輯 Reflections 由環球古典音樂發行,收錄蕭邦、拉威爾及貝多芬的作品。