Owen Ho 何飛雲
As a composer, Owen’s interest lies in the intersection between music and romantic aesthetic. His compositional output includes works for orchestra, chamber ensemble, choir, voice, solo instrument, dance, film, and electroacoustic music. In recent years, he has made his name in numerous competitions, such as the Hong Kong International Composition Competition for Chromatic Harmonica, the Young Lion*ess of Acousmatic Music International Competition (Austria), and the Association of English Singers & Speakers Song Writing Competition (United Kingdom). Beyond Hong Kong, Owen’s music is performed regularly across the United Kingdom and various parts of Europe. With increasing recognition, he has received funding from notable bodies such as the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust, and the Macfarlane Walker Trust.
Equally active as a conductor, Owen has directed the Ensemble Matters since 2019, a London-based new music group dedicated to collaborating with artists in and outside the field of music. From 2018 to 2022, Owen served as the Music Director of the Goodensemble Orchestra, an orchestra consisting of mostly students from the four London conservatoires. As a freelance conductor, he also conducted the London Lawyers’ Symphony Orchestra and Choir and toured with the New Mozart Orchestra in local schools’ outreach.
Currently, Owen is a Doctor of Music student at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama under the supervision of Julian Anderson, Steve Potter, and Julian Philips. Previously, he graduated from the Royal College of Music (MMus; Distinction) and the University of Hong Kong (BA in Music; First-Class Honours).
作為作曲家,何飛雲著重探索音樂與浪漫主義之間的可能性。他的作品範疇包括管弦樂、室內樂、合唱、歌曲、獨奏、舞蹈、影片及電聲音樂。近年來,他在不少比賽如香港國際半音階口琴作曲大賽、Young Lion*ess 唯聲音樂國際作曲比賽(奧地利)及英文歌唱家和演講家聯會藝術歌曲創作比賽(英國)等比賽中屢獲佳績。除了香港,他的音樂在英國及歐洲各地也經常上演。隨著藝術路上得到認可,他曾有幸獲得香港藝術發展局、Sir Richard Stapley 教育基金及 Macfarlane Walker 基金等機構的資助。
除了作曲,何飛雲同樣熱衷指揮。自2019年,他以藝術總監的身份帶領位於英國倫敦的Ensemble Matters推動各類當代音樂及跨界藝術的項目。在2018年至2022年間,他曾出任 Goodensemble 樂團的音樂總監,指揮主要來自倫敦四大音樂學院的學生。此外,他亦曾指揮過倫敦律師交響樂團及合唱團,並與新莫扎特樂團於多間英國本地學校巡演。
現時,何飛雲是為倫敦市政廳音樂及戲劇學院的博士生,師從 Julian Anderson、Steve Potter 及 Julian Philips。在此之前,他畢業於英國皇家音樂學院(音樂碩士;優等)及香港大學(音樂學士;一級榮譽)。