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Music In Words Online: Takács Quartet In The Time Of COVID-19

Music in Words Online: Takács Quartet in the Time of COVID-19


This ONLINE programme is part of the ‘Music in Words in the Time of COVID-19‘ series.

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An entire year has passed since the Takács Quartet visited HKU with Bartók’s complete cycle. Amidst a global pandemic and social movements, the Quartet has been reflecting and readjusting themselves to the ‘new normal’. In this dialogue with Prof. Daniel Chua, both violinists from the Quartet, Edward Dusinberre and Harumi Rhodes, shared their thoughts and ideas in response to the unprecedented challenges we all face. Find out how the group’s programming philosophy has evolved, what collaborations they find meaningful, and what music resonates in their minds.

A podcast version of this dialogue is available on various platforms and an accompanying playlist featuring the music discussed is available on Spotify.

塔克斯四重奏的巴爾托克弦樂四重奏作品全集﹐令一眾香港古典樂迷留下深刻印象。事隔一年﹐面對全球社運升溫和疫情蔓延﹐樂團成員不得不自我調整﹐投入世界新秩序。今次樂語融融﹐港大音樂系蔡寬量教授請來塔克斯四重奏兩位小提琴家 Harumi Rhodes 和Edward Dunsinberre﹐談談樂團未來方向、合作計劃,以及全新節目編排。他們將與大家分享樂團如何面對這場前所未有的巨變和挑戰,並重新思考音樂的意義。


Speakers: Edward Dusinberre & Harumi Rhodes of the Takács Quartet

Moderator: Prof. Daniel Chua, Department of Music, HKU

Podcast on Spotify


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